Are you creating new new view for your filter, or do you want to
simply show the output of the new filter in the current "BarChart"
view used by the Histogram filter?

If you are creating a totally new view, simply start by subclassing pqView.
In the filter's XML you can use a hint as follows to indicate to
ParaView which view to create by default for the filter.

        <!-- View can be used to specify the preferred view for the proxy -->
        <View type="MyViewsXMLName" />

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Nehme Bilal <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying yo create a filter to plot a histogram or a curve. The output of
> this filter will look like the one used for histogram filter.
> I read the documentation on the wiki about how to create a custom view, and
> I think this is my start point. Is that true ? if yes, from witch class
> should myView inherits from ? pqGenericViewModule ? pqChartLayer ? pqView ?
> pqxxx ?
> How my pqMyView class will be linked to my vtkMyFilter Class ? how to pass
> my vtkDataArrays from my vtkMyFilter class to my pqMyView class ?
> Thank you,
> Nehme
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