The only thing about reverse connection is that the user then has to open a port on the local firewall. It's not always possible.
I think the technique Burlen described takes advantages of the interactive queues.
It relies on a fast queue. Actually I use this technique for the production/normal/long queues, on Pliedes (NASA NAS), Spur, and Ranger (TACC). So far with a few exceptions I have been able to get as many nodes as I want in a matter of seconds or few minutes. A large PV job (1E2 nodes) is a drop in the bucket for most of these systems so they seem to get scheduled quickly.

The interactive job (qsub -I) lets you get the hostname of the node and set up the tunnel before you start paraview. You have to set the tunnel up first then start PV, because once PV starts and is listening on a port ssh refuses to use that port in the tunnel. I used a two ssh sessions the second to create the tunnel because the something about the way the batch system logs you into the compute node prevents the tunnel from being created inside the job. I don't know its specific to the systems I am using or a general fact of life.
I wasn't able to do that on the last cluster I worked on because it was not possible to ssh to a compute node.
Don't know if it would for you, but on the systems mentioned I haven't needed to ssh to the compute node, if you have its hostname (interactive job will display it), you can set up the tunnel from the front end.

   fe$ ~C<enter>

An additional factor to consider when devising an automated solution for PV: In order to login into the front end, in addition to a password we are required to enter code from an RSA Secure Id device that NASA sent us. no password less login is allowed there. An automated solution would hopefully take that scenario into account.

pat marion wrote:
I wasn't able to do that on the last cluster I worked on because it was not possible to ssh to a compute node.

Usually I just set up a reverse tunnel from the login node to my work machine. The server starts up on the compute nodes and does a reverse connection to the login node which then travels through the tunnel to my work machine. All you need to know is the IP of the login node. Often a login node has 2 different IPs, one is for the network interface to the outside, and the other is a network interface for communicating with compute nodes.


On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Berk Geveci < <>> wrote:

    I was thinking about this. Is it not possible to run a script that
    starts the ParaView server, figures out where the first node is
    and then sets up an ssh tunnel to that node through the login node?

    On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 1:46 PM, pat marion <
    <>> wrote:

        If admins are concerned about opening ports than maybe you
        should use ssh tunnels instead of portfwd.  I like to
        recommend portfwd because I find it simpler to use, but
        usually an ssh tunnel can work just as well.  And you don't
        have to worry about killing portfwd when your done.  If you
        can get a ssh tunnel to work then should be able to setup the
        tunnel in your custom command when starting the server.


        On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Rakesh Hammond
        <>> wrote:


            Thanks for your replies - I think the plan is to have two
            queues in our new machine (parallel and interactive). What
            Pat described here is what we have been thinking about,
            just thought there must be a more elegant solution than
            this - for example, in VisIt you don't have to include the
            portfwd bit. Perhaps some thing to consider for future PV
            releases?  I assume these kind of issues are common in
            production platforms?

            Another point to consider is, from a procurement point of
            view, people don't really care about visualization, all
            they want is more TeraFlops etc and then expect the
            visualization to be fitted into the system (ie : no
            separate network between login and compute, only logins
            will see the file systems etc)

            I did set it up to do client-server in reverse, some
            direct responses to what is suggested below.

                You mentioned generating MOAB job scripts on the fly
                through a pv xml input dialog.  All you would need to
                do would be add some extra code to your job script
                template.  The extra code would generate a portfwd
                config file with a port chosen by the user.  The user
                would have to pick a port number other than 11111, a
                random port that hopefully is not in use.  When the
                start server button is clicked on the client it could
                run a custom command that ssh's to a login node,
                starts portfwd with the custom config file, and
                submits the MOAB script.  Now the user just waits to
                pvserver to connect back to the login node which is
                forwarded straight to the workstation.  If the compute
                node can't connect to the login node by name
                (`hostname`) you can use /sbin/ifconfig to figure out
                the exact IP.

            Yes - agreed, only problem is sys admin folks are very
            funny about opening several ports - I think I have to come
            up with some clever way to make them think, they are not
            opening many ports !  We thought we could keep a log of
            what is available and what is used, so each time it
            connects it can work out which ones to use (this may avoid
            the use of random port number that is "hopefully" not in use)
                I can't think of an elegant way to kill portfwd when
                the session is over, but you can probably come up with
something. Sorry I can't offer any specific details. You might want to read this wiki page too, it
                describes such a system in use:

            Yes - this will be  an issue, but we thought that we could
            just kill the portfwd job at the end when MOAB scripts
            finishes.  The portfwd will be started at the user level -
            so the user should be able to kill their own jobs as part
            of the script (well that would be the theory!)

            When I get something to work, I will post some thing here
            on how I did it....


                On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 3:05 PM, burlen
                <>> wrote:


                    I have used ssh for this on such systems. As long
                    as the batch system gives you exclusive use of the
                    set of compute nodes(usually the case), you
                    shouldn't have to worry about ports being used by
                    others because the tunnel is through your ssh
                    connection. It's not automated though. Here is how
                    I do it:

                    I use two terminals on my workstation, in the
                    following denoted by t1$ and t2$, say fe is the
                    front end on your cluster. In the first terminal:

                      t1$ ssh fe
                      t1$ qsub -I -V -l select=XX -l walltime=XX:XX:XX

                    XX is replaced by your values. The job starts and
                    you're automatically ssh'd into some compute node,
                    which we'll say has hostname NODE. In the second

                      t2$ ssh fe
                      t2$ ~C<enter>
                      -L ZZZZZ:NODE:YYYYY

                    The ~C bit is an escape sequence that sets up the
                    port forward. ZZZZZ is a port number on your
                    workstation. YYYYY is a port number on the server
                    that is not blocked by the clusters internal
                    firewall (see your sys admin). Now back to
                    terminal one, and your waiting compute node:

                      t1$ module load PV3-modulefile
                      t1$ mpiexec pvserver --server-port=YYYYY

                    The module is what sets up the ld library path and
                    paths for your ParaView server install (see your
                    sys admin). now paraview is running on the
                    cluster. You start the ParaView client locally and
                    connect over port ZZZZZ on localhost.

                    That's what I do, if you come up with some
                    automated script though that would be killer.

                    Bart Janssens wrote:

                        On Thursday 04 February 2010 07:59:46 pm
                        Rakesh Hammond wrote:
                            I am no expert on this type of stuff, but
                            I can see how this would work
                            - the question is if you have multiple
                            users connecting at the same
                            time, obviously you can't forward
                            everything into 11111 for example.

                        Hi Rakesh,

                        If you use reverse connections, the compute
                        nodes only need to be able to connect to
                        outside machines (i.e. the workstations).
                        Turning on NAT on a gateway machine, i.e. the
                        frontend, should be sufficient for that, and
                        no port forwarding is needed. This works on a
                        standard Rocks setup, which enables the
                        frontend as gateway by default.


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