Hey all,

Packaging of my branded app is working well on Windows and Linux, but I'm 
trying once again to see if I can get packaging to work on OS X. I'm getting 
closer (after making sure my scripts were almost a verbatim copy of the PV 
ones), but I'm confused about a few things -- maybe someone can help get me 
further and/or clarify. The main difficulty is that I'm trying to not only get 
my app to run, but give my users access to the PV Python functionality (python 
shell and "command line tools").

1. When I generate an executable app bundle (either with CPack or with "make 
install"), the app itself runs fine on a "clean" system, but the Python shell 
can't find some of the libraries. It looks like a lot of the python-required 
libraries are not being copied to .app/Contents/Libraries. How can I tell the 
system that I need all of that stuff bundled, too, when I build a DragNDrop?

2. If I want to distribute a version of the "command line tools" for making 
batch animations that will recognize all of the plugins I've hard-coded into my 
branded app, I've been assuming I need to package these binaries (pvpython, 
etc) based on my branded app build -- Is this true, or do I just need to 
somehow add my custom plugin libraries to a standard package of the paraview 
servers executables? 

The problem I have with (2) is that even when I build against a PV built with 
VTK_USE_RPATH: OFF and my branded app with CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH: ON, I end up with 
my executables and libraries depending on (the absolute path of) my local Qt 
installation, so they won't run on other machines. (And, I can't get my branded 
app to build against a version of PV which has PARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI: OFF.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Eric E Monson
Duke Visualization Technology Group

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