I believe the problem stems from the fact that although ITK supports
associating transforms with ImageData itself, VTK and subsequently
ParaView do not. If you look at vtkImageData class
(http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkImageData.html), you
notice that there's no API for setting/getting transform. Thus no
reader in VTK or ParaView can read and pass that information through
the pipeline and eventually render using that transform.

As you mentioned, the easiest work around is to manually translate the
transform to values to the "transform" properties on the display tab.

BTW, ParaView does include a contributed Nifti reader plugin that you
can load to read in nifti files directly.


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:55 AM, Richard Beare <richard.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I asked a related question a couple of years ago but never found a
> good answer. I need to revisit it now.
> I'd like to view image data plus track data in paraview. The track
> data is produced as list of points in world coordinates. I can convert
> these to vtk objects and load them.
> My problem is viewing the image data so that it is placed correctly
> relative to the tracks. The transformations in the image header can be
> used in ITK to locate voxel values at then ends of tracks, so I think
> they are set correctly, however they appear to be ignored by paraview.
> My very rough check was to use the ruler to determine the coordinates
> of image corners. One of these was zero, so the header information was
> being ignored, as the origin was somewhere near the brain image
> centre.
> One option appears to be to convert the transformation information
> from the image header to the transform array in the image Display
> panel, which is a bit tedious. I'm wondering whether there are 3D
> image formats that can be viewed using volume rendering in paraview
> that might do this automatically. So far I've been using mha files
> created using the ITK too ConvertBetweenImageFormats from nifti.
> Alternatively, does anyone have some other procedure for viewing
> combinations of image and mesh/line objects in paraview?
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