Hi everyone,
I wanted to first store a tensor (symmetric, but yet 9 components; will reduce this later) in an h5 format to be then read by paraview. The way i did it was to calculate the 3X3 matrix at every point (from given data ) and then changed the shape(in python, using numpy arrays) to a 1X9 array, and then stored this in an h5 file (all using the h5py library of python and numpy). But when i try to read the file, although the grid appears correctly, paraview says that it is unable to read the data:

ERROR: In /home/pratik/Manually_Installed_Softwares/numerical/ParaView/ParaView-3.10.0/Utilities/Xdmf2/vtk/vtkXdmfHeavyData.cxx, line 1102

vtkXdmfReader (0xaeee8a8): Failed to read attribute data

hmm..i do have the grid and the calculated tensor in different h5 files (does that make a difference?). Can anyone please suggest what is wrong with this? Is the format of storing the tensor data correct?
It is a 256X256 2dsmesh, so i gave:
<DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="256 256 9" Precision="8">
in the xml file for the attribute of the tensor

here is the full xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
   <Domain Name="test.xdmf">
<Grid Name="Domain Space x Time" GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">
           <Time TimeType="List">
               <DataItem Format="XML" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="1">
           <Grid Name="Time 1" GridType="Collection">
               <Grid Name="Domain 1x1x1">
                   <Topology TopologyType="2DSMesh" Dimensions = "256 256">
                   <Geometry GeometryType="X_Y">
<DataItem Dimensions="256 256" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="HDF">
<DataItem Dimensions="256 256 " NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="HDF">
<Attribute Name="sig" Center="Node" AttributeType="Tensor"> <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="256 256 9" Precision="8">
</Attribute> </Grid>

*Pratik Mallya*
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