Hi Pat,

Thank you. In order to answer to your question, my project use CMake.
For now, I have installed git and download paraview sources. I have changed to 
branch live-data, and I am doing a git submodule update (I am seeing it is 
downloading vtk sources)
Next I have to configure cmake, which option must be activated for my case ? 
After, I will do a make in order to compile paraview...
And after ? How can I test paraview with live data ?
What have I to do with libvtkCoProcessor.so library ? My project use system of 
shared memories. Is it possible to create a function into the coprocessor 
library so that the function read a shared memory and update paraview view ?
Have you an example, because the work I have to do isn't very clear !
Thank you !


Le 9 mai 2011 à 14:42, pat marion a écrit :

> Hi Bastien,
> The live-data code is currently hosted on github.  The repository url is 
> git://github.com/patmarion/ParaView.git and the branch name is live-data.  I 
> think the live-data branch might be more than you need.  It is designed to 
> run in a client-server configuration with a parallel server (though the 
> parallel part is not required.)  When the live-data branch is eventually 
> merged with paraview master, I hope to update it so that does not require 
> client-server, but that work has not been done yet.  If you're willing to run 
> in client-server mode then the live-data branch will work for you.  The first 
> step it to try linking your project with the coprocessor library 
> (libvtkCoProcessor.so) and then try writing an adapter that converts your 
> data into a vtk data object.  Does your project use CMake?  If not, you will 
> have to write link and include lines yourself for your Makefile.
> Pat
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Bastien Purnelle <bastien...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Pat,
> I have searched for information about the live-data feature, but I
> found only two interesting links :
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/ParaView:Live_Data_Introduction and
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/Animating_Live_Data
> In my case, the generating data program is a car embedded platform
> programming with C++/Qt. It contains a main program that manage many
> processes. Each process can be launched to do a particular feature and
> can communicate together with shared memories. For example, there is a
> process that reads vehicle speed from car network (CAN bus) and saves
> data into a shared memory. Another process uses this data to do some
> treatments with other data. The car is equipped with others sensors as
> radar, or lidar, or camera... and an process save data into the shared
> memory.
> The goal of my project is to create a process that read some data in
> many defines shared memories and to send this data to Paraview so that
> it displays for example a graph of speed changes and a representation
> of the car environment thanks to the radar and other data that we can
> choose before launching the process.
> So the process must be available to launch Paraview, open a predefined
> configuration and send in real time all data read into shared
> memories.
> For now, I have only played with Paraview thanks to some tutorials,
> but each time, data comes from a fixed file.
> First I would like develop a simple process that send the vehicle
> speed (a float number) and displays the value in a graph view into
> Paraview.
> Where can I found Paraview sources that use live-data ? Is there an
> example of program that interface with paraview library and send
> live-data ?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Bastien
> 2011/4/27 pat marion <pat.mar...@kitware.com>:
> > Hi Bastien,
> >
> > There is a feature called live-data that is able to display time variant
> > data as it is produced by a simulation code.  The feature is currently
> > available in a branch of paraview, not the main release.  To use this
> > feature, the simulation code, or whatever external program is generating
> > data, must interface with a paraview library through fortran, c, c++ or
> > python.  The interface process is meant to be easy for a programming who is
> > familiar with VTK, but will require some effort if you are new to VTK and
> > cmake.  If you tell me a little more about your program that is collecting
> > sensor data (don't be afraid to go into detail...), maybe I can come up with
> > some ideas for how you could interface it with paraview.
> >
> > Pat
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Bastien Purnelle <bastien...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I'm developing an interface for displaying data from car embedded
> >> sensors (lidar, odometers,  ...) in real time. However, Paraview work
> >> with finite data files and I'am searching a mean to use Paraview with
> >> time changing data. Is it a solution with Paraview (create a plugin, a
> >> python script) ?
> >> Thank you in advance...
> >>
> >> Best regards.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Bastien
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