What I'd do is subclass vtkPVClipDataset (the filter paraview uses for
Clip). Make the subclass a two output-port filter (by calling
vtkAlgorithm::SetNumberOfOutputPorts(2)) and producing the polydata
matching the implicit function specified as the clipping function on
the second output port. Now you can save/visualization both the
clipped dataset as well as the clipping box. Are you familiar with
writing vtkAlgorithm subclasses?


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Laurent Paul <l.p...@uclouvain.be> wrote:
> Dear Users,
> I usually clip meshes using the clip filter and a box, or a plane. I would
> be interested in exporting the clipping box data, not the clippedData, but
> the box itself. I also would like to get the thickness of the box, eg.
> distance between two handles.
> I know that VTK allows to do that (using the method GetPolyData), and that
> it doesn't work properly (you have to triangulate the data first). There is
> no option in paraview to retrieve the box.
> My solution is to create a filter that do the same job as the clipper with
> the additional ability to export the data and compute the distance. But I'm
> not sure to be able to handle a widget inside my plugin.
> Since I've never wrote a plugin for paraview, I prefer ask before!
> So, is it possible?
> Is there another (simpler) way around? Add a check box to the "properties"
> of the clipper to GetPolyData ?
> Thx,
> Laurent.
> --
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