
Thanks! This works pretty well in serial. However, I took your MaxLabelFilter 
and tried to modify it to calculate and display minimum (instead of maximum) 
array values for each time step and for some reason it isn't working -- just 
assigns a zero value as the minimum. Could you take a quick look? I saved the 
XML file as a *.txt file in case my email tries to strip the attachment.

And yes, I will be working in parallel, but not right now.

Thanks again,

From: Utkarsh Ayachit
Sent: Wed 9/14/2011 10:08 AM
To: Guzas, Emily L CIV NUWC NWPT
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] compute min/max of data array and annotate max and min 
values for each time step


Attached is a custom filter that you can use to label using maximum
for point array named ACCL. You change the "ARRAYNAME" and
"ARRAYASSOCIATION" variable to pick the array of choice. Also, though
I've only implemented getting the max value for the magnitude of the
array, you can change the python script to do a min or a particular
component, for example.

To test,
1) Import the attached file using Tools | Manage Custom Filters dialog
(click Import).
2) The open can.ex2 from ParaViewData. Enable all arrays in the array
selection widget on the properties panel. Hit apply.
3) Create "MaxLabelFilter". Hit apply. You'll see a label in the 3D
view that updates as you animate.

Are you running with a parallel pvserver? If so, I'll have to update
the filter. It should work in serial though.


On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Guzas, Emily L CIV NUWC NWPT
<emily.gu...@navy.mil> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a ParaView newbie and I am trying to compute the maximum and minimum
> values of one array (e.g. pressure or density) in a multi-block dataset
> (*.exo) file in ParaView, and then display those maximum and minimum values
> on screen with text. To make this more fun, the dataset includes time data,
> and so what I really want to be able to do is to compute the maximum and
> minimum values of the array and display them on-screen for each time step so
> that when I animate the data, the max/min values update as the animation
> runs.
> Could someone point me in the right direction for how to do this?
> I looked at the Calculator filter, but I don't see any maximum and minimum
> functions there (not that I expected to see them). And I just started
> looking at the Python Programmable Filter, but I am not familiar with the
> vtk class and so this route will involve a bit of a learning curve to figure
> out the syntax for what I need to accomplish.
> Thanks,
> Emily
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  <CustomProxyDefinition name="MinLabelFilter" group="filters">
    <CompoundSourceProxy id="401" servers="1">
      <Proxy group="filters" type="ProgrammableFilter" id="396" servers="1" 
        <Property name="CopyArrays" id="396.CopyArrays" number_of_elements="1">
          <Element index="0" value="0"/>
          <Domain name="bool" id="396.CopyArrays.bool"/>
        <Property name="InformationScript" id="396.InformationScript" 
          <Element index="0" value=""/>
        <Property name="Input" id="396.Input" number_of_elements="1">
          <Domain name="groups" id="396.Input.groups"/>
          <Domain name="input_type" id="396.Input.input_type"/>
        <Property name="OutputDataSetType" id="396.OutputDataSetType" 
          <Element index="0" value="19"/>
          <Domain name="enum" id="396.OutputDataSetType.enum">
            <Entry value="8" text="Same as Input"/>
            <Entry value="0" text="vtkPolyData"/>
            <Entry value="2" text="vtkStructuredGrid"/>
            <Entry value="3" text="vtkRectilinearGrid"/>
            <Entry value="4" text="vtkUnstructuredGrid"/>
            <Entry value="6" text="vtkImageData"/>
            <Entry value="10" text="vtkUniformGrid"/>
            <Entry value="13" text="vtkMultiblockDataSet"/>
            <Entry value="15" text="vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet"/>
            <Entry value="19" text="vtkTable"/>
        <Property name="PythonPath" id="396.PythonPath" number_of_elements="1">
          <Element index="0" value=""/>
        <Property name="Script" id="396.Script" number_of_elements="1">
          <Element index="0" value="ARRAYNAME = 
&#x22;pressure&#x22;&#xa;ARRAYASSOCIATION = &#x22;Point&#x22;&#xa;UNITS = 
&#x22;dyne&#x2f;cm&#x5e;2&#x22;&#xa;&#xa;&#xa;def get_min(dataset):&#xa;    
&#x22;&#x22;&#x22;Function that returns the min value for ARRAYNAME in the 
current&#xa;    dataset&#x22;&#x22;&#x22;&#xa;    if ARRAYASSOCIATION == 
&#x22;Point&#x22;:&#xa;        dsa = dataset.GetPointData()&#xa;    elif 
ARRAYASSOCIATION == &#x22;Cell&#x22;:&#xa;        dsa = 
dataset.GetCellData()&#xa;    else:&#xa;        raise RuntimeError, 
&#x22;Unknown assoctiation %s&#x22; % ARRAYASSOCIATION&#xa;    array = 
dsa.GetArray(ARRAYNAME)&#xa;    # if arrayname is missing, we silently 
ignore.&#xa;    if array:&#xa;        return array.GetRange(-1)[1]&#xa;    
return None&#xa;&#xa;input = self.GetInputDataObject(0, 0)&#xa;output = 
self.GetOutputDataObject(0)&#xa;&#xa;min_value = None&#xa;&#xa;if 
input.IsA(&#x22;vtkMultiBlockDataSet&#x22;):&#xa;    iter = 
input.NewIterator()&#xa;    iter.UnRegister(None)&#xa;    
iter.InitTraversal()&#xa;    while not iter.IsDoneWithTraversal():&#xa;        
curInput = iter.GetCurrentDataObject()&#xa;        cur_min = 
get_min(curInput)&#xa;        if min_value &#x3e; cur_min:&#xa;            
min_value = cur_min&#xa;        iter.GoToNextItem();&#xa;else:&#xa;    
min_value = get_min(input)&#xa;&#xa;# Determine min in parallel.&#xa;if 
min_value == None:&#xa;    min_value = 0&#xa;outputarray = 
 &#x22;Min %s = %g %s.&#x22; % (ARRAYNAME, 
        <Property name="UpdateExtentScript" id="396.UpdateExtentScript" 
          <Element index="0" value=""/>
        <Property name="Input" proxy_name="ProgrammableFilter2" 
        <Property name="Script" proxy_name="ProgrammableFilter2" 
      <OutputPort name="Output" proxy="ProgrammableFilter2" port_index="0"/>
        <OutputPort name="Output" index="0" type="text" />

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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