Le 29/09/2011 19:24, Sebastien Jourdain claviota:
Why are you using Wine ? Can't you just run ParaView natively under your linux ?

Yes, I agree. The native linux version of paraview will run smoothly, and much faster. I played a bit with paraviewgeo, running it under wine, but now that I've been able to compile it natively, it works much, much, much faster. The "standard" paraview has always run very smoothly.

recently i installed the paraview  (paraview 3.10.1 and 3.8.1 32bit) in
scietific linux 5.2 using wine.

On your distro, a command similar to:
    yum install paraview
should install set everything up for you.

I run on Debian, and I only had to do the equivalent:
    apt-get install paraview
to get it up and running.

Of course, this has to be run as root.

It is a good practice to always go through the package management system of your GNU/Linux system, since it takes care about all dependencies, libraries, etc.


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