On 10/06/2011 07:33 AM, pat marion wrote:
series_names = [name for name in d.GetProperty("SeriesNamesInfo")]

Hi, Pat.

Thanks for the helpful pointers.

After setting everything up in ParaView (3.10.1, 64-bit), I'm not getting results. Here is what I did from the ParaView Python Shell:

>> p = FindSource("PlotData1")

>> rep = GetDisplayProperties(p)

>> rep.GetProperty("SeriesNamesInfo")



While, at the same time, the Object Inspector shows 27 series, each with the correct name.

Does something need to be updated or refreshed first? I notice in the pvblot script, there is a


but when I try that in ParaView's python shell (after getting the representation the way I showed above), it tells me:

>> rep.Update()

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<console>", line 1, in <module>

File "/usr/lib64/paraview/site-packages/paraview/servermanager.py", line 370, in __getattr__

return getattr(self.SMProxy, name)

AttributeError: Update




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