   I'm sorry, I don't really good in English so .....
   Well, about your question: 
severmanager.ActiveConnection.Modules.filters.SimpleImageThreshold() is 
recognized in Python Shell.

    So, what do we have to write in

   def SimpleImageThreshold(proxy)

   What is your advice in replace these ????
   Thank you very much, Seb.

 From: Sebastien Jourdain <>
To: Alex <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Utilisation of plugin ParaView in ParaViewWeb
Hi Alex,

sorry to say that but you did not properly read what I wrote...

I've ask you if the following line worked in ParaView python:


Anyway, to solve the issue related to the number of arguments, you
should be able to do that:

var reader2 = ST.SimpleImageThreshold( [reader] );

And all that is assuming your initial issue where your proxy defined
inside your plugin is finally properly found. Which I still don't know
if it is the case or not.


On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Alex <> wrote:
> Thank you Seb,
> For your first question : Yes, I succeeded in using my SimpleImageThreshold
> in Python Shell.
> Here is my script in Python Shell:
> reader = OpenDataFile('/path/to/my/file.mhd');
> GetDisplayProperties();
> ColorAttributeType ='POINT_DATA';
> SetDisplayProperties(Representation='Volume',ColorArrayName='MetaImage');
> Render();
> reader2=SimpleImageThreshold(reader);
> SetDisplayProperties(Representation='Volume',ColorArrayName='ImageScalars');
> Render();
> For the second part :
> I have the following errors when I tried in different ways:
> var reader = paraview.OpenDataFile('path/to/my/file.mhd');
> ST = paraview.plugins.SimpleImageThreshold;
> ST.SimpleImageThreshold(proxy) :
> error : proxy not defined
> ST.SimpleImageThreshold(reader)
> error:Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<jsonrpc>", line 146, in handle_request
> TypeError: SimpleImageThreshold() takes exactly 1 argument (3 given)
> ST.SimpleImageThreshold({proxy:reader});
> Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<jsonrpc>", line 144, in handle_request
>   File "/home/thtran/PV/workdir/plugins/", line 11,
> in SimpleImageThreshold
> servermanager.ActiveConnection.Modules.filters.SimpleImageThreshold(proxy)
> AttributeError: 'PVModule' object has no attribute 'SimpleImageThreshold'
> when I use :
> var reader2 = ST.SimpleImageThreshold(proxy);
> var reader2 = ST.SimpleImageThreshold(reader);
> var reader2 = ST.SimpleImageThreshold({proxy:reader});
> Same errors as above.
> I think that I have to be more precise in but I
> don't have any clue.
> Thank you very much Seb
> I followed your advice. Here is my to be sure :
> from paraview.simple import *
> import os
> import threading
> def SimpleImageThreshold(proxy):
>  servermanager.ActiveConnection.Modules.filters.SimpleImageThreshold(proxy)
> def createSimpleThresholdView():
>    global dp
>    dp = GetDisplayProperties()
>    dp.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(37.35,276)
>    dp.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA'
> ________________________________
> From: Sebastien Jourdain <>
> To: Alex <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 1:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] Utilisation of plugin ParaView in ParaViewWeb
> Hi Alex,
> First of all, you should be able to remove those lines, they are not
> needed in your case.
>> import os
>> import threading
>>  LoadPlugin('.../vtkSimpleImageThreshold/bin/',True)
>> # server
> Then my question will be: Did you managed inside the Python shell of
> ParaView to call manually the load plugin and to instantiate your
> filter the way you are doing it in ParaViewWeb ?
>> And, one more question. How can we define SimpleImageThreshold() in .py
>> file
>> so that they can act like a real filter? Take in an image, do
>>  his work, and we have an image thresholded as ouput?
>> Reason : when I called reader2 = ST.SimpleImageThreshold({proxy}); log
>> file
>> :
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "<jsonrpc>", line 144, in handle_request
>> TypeError: SimpleImageThreshold() takes no arguments (1 given)
> to solve that issue you need to change your python plugin so the
> method will look like that:
> def SimpleImageThreshold(proxy):
>     ....SimpleImageThreshold(proxy)
> and in JavaScript that will be
> ST.SimpleImageThreshold(proxy);
> note that I've removed the {}.
> Seb
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