That makes perfect sense, thanks for that explanation.
So in fact, software mesa rendering is not something you do with Paraview 
either at compile or runtime.  Paraview just uses OpenGL and the implementation 
is hardware or software.
I had thought OSMesa was simply an OpenGL implementation.  Thanks for 
clarifying that it is somewhat different, which tells me why there would be a 
special flag for it.  OSMesa does seem to implement OpenGL, though, because I 
have successfully switched between hardware and software rendering with other 
applications that need OpenGL simply by pointing at OSMesa with 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  This has fixed situations where GLX breaks things.
-- Rich

On Oct 11, 2012, at 7:28 AM, Pat Marion wrote:

Hi Rich,

I think the Mesa driver is installed by default on most linux distos today 
(maybe not?), but the proprietary hardware drivers take priority when installed 
and enabled.  You can configure X11 (or uninstall your nvidia driver or 
whatever you may have), so that the mesa driver will kick in.  If you run 
"glxinfo | grep vendor" then you'll either see the name of your enabled 
proprietary driver vendor, or you'll see Mesa.  This is a system configuration 
thing, which driver is being used does not affect ParaView, it's invisible to 
ParaView (except ParaView might query for  and use vendor specific extensions 
that are only available in the proprietary driver).

On ubuntu there are two packages: libgl1-mesa-swx11 and libgl1-mesa-glx.  I 
think that the mesa-swx11 is used more infrequently, it is a pure software 
implementation while the mesa-glx packages actually uses hardware acceleration 
for it's drawing-

OSMesa is different because it has a specific API that you have to code to and 
link your program to the OSMesa library.


On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Cook, Rich 
<<>> wrote:
Very interesting.  Brian Paul is everywhere!  :-)
I have a question, however.  You say that one can use Mesa X11 rendering (as 
opposed to OSMesa rendering).  How would that be done?  The only mesa rendering 
I'm aware of is OSMesa.  What is this "Mesa OpenGL driver" which renders in 
software but is not OSMesa?
-- Rich

On Oct 9, 2012, at 6:28 AM, Pat Marion wrote:

Hi Rich,

I totally agreee with you, I find it very confusing that there is a compile 
time flag VTK_USE_OFFSCREEN, and a runtime flag --use-offscreen-rendering, and 
an OSMesa compile flag VTK_OPENGL_HAS_OSMESA.  I think that the options could 
be presented in a way that makes it more clear what is happening.

I want to clarify some things here.  There are actually several very different 
concepts that are all kinda mixed up by the way that VTK presents the options:

1) hardware accelerated rendering vs. software rendering
2) regular rendering vs. offscreen rendering vs. OSMesa rendering

Just saying "offscreen rendering" is totally not specific enough to have any 
idea what is really happening under the hood, a lot of people assume different 
things when they hear "offscreen rendering", and I think that's where the 
problem is.

First, hardware vs. software rendering.  If you use the Mesa OpenGL driver (not 
to be confused with the OSMesa library!), you are using software rendering.  
But, the mesa driver renders into a buffer that is owned by the operating 
system and window manager (X11).  So you are using a software implementation of 
OpenGL, but rendering "on screen", and you depend on X11 APIs and an X server.  
If you have a GPU, then you can use a hardware driver, and similarly you depend 
on X11.  You can switch between a hardware driver and a Mesa driver without 
recompiling any software.

Second, regular rendering vs. offscreen rendering.  Here is an old, but very 
informative, article on the many different implementations of offscreen 
Note that Mesa offscreen rendering, OSMesa, is just one of many different 
offscreen rendering APIs described in the article.  You can do hardware 
accelerated offscreen rendering, and that is totally different from OSMesa.  
For example, using X11, you can render into a GLX pixmap.  A GLX pixmap is a 
render buffer that is not associated with a window, it is "offscreen", but the 
rendering uses your GL driver, which could be a hardware accelerated driver or 
a Mesa software driver, but not OSMesa.

Finally, there is OSMesa.  It uses Mesa software rendering, and renders into a 
special OSMesa buffer.  Using OSMesa, you have zero dependency on X11.  You 
don't need X11 at build time or at run time.  Here's more information about 

So, in summary,

-you can use a GPU or Mesa (not OSMesa) and do on screen rendering into an X11 
-you can use a GPU or Mesa (not OSMesa) and do offscreen rendering into an X11 
managed offscreen buffer.
-you can use OSMesa for software rendering without any dependency on X11.

For MPI cluster runs of paraview, the two most common configurations are GPU 
with X11, or OSMesa without X11.  If you didn't have a GPU on your nodes, you 
might also use Mesa with X11, but render on screen.

If you grep VTK source code for "OSMESA", you will find multiple confusing 
flags, VTK_OPENGL_HAS_OSMESA and VTK_USE_OSMESA, and lots of confusing code to 
decide whether or not we want to use on screen or offscreen rendering with gpu, 
or OSMesa rendering.  If VTK is truly compiled for OSMesa, it means that ldd 
pvserver lists only OSMesa and no X11 or OpenGL dependencies.  When you have 
compiled with OSMesa, the --use-offscreen-rendering flag can be completely 
ignored, VTK will always use OSMesa.

I think the --use-offscreen-rendering flag is mostly for switching between on 
screen and offscreen while still using a regular GL driver, and I'm really not 
sure if anybody actually uses that feature, I certainly have not.  To make 
things even more confusing, in ParaView there is a preferences setting for "Use 
offscreen rendering for screenshots".  Ouch.

Hope this helps!


p.s. If anybody has corrections, please let me know!

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Burlen Loring 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Rich,

if you are installing on cluster, I would say that it's easier to use an MPI 
build. Of course when you build with MPI support you need to launch pvserver 
with mpirun (or the system equivalent). When you need a serial run just specify 
-n 1. You may be aware that, providing a server config will let your users 
select the number of mpi ranks and the "layout" of mpi ranks across cluster 
nodes from ParaView's GUI. ParaView should run on any number of mpi ranks. When 
you say you're running in serial, are you using the mpirun command? what 
errors/complaints are you experiencing?

My recollection, is that the --use-offscreen-rendering is used to select 
between osmesa open gl and the system open gl when both are used in the same 
build. I haven't built ParaView this way in many years, hence my recollection 
is fuzzy. On the other hand, if you have two builds, one built with osmesa and 
the other using a system provided hardware accelerated open gl, this command 
line flag is not necessary.


On 10/08/2012 10:21 AM, Cook, Rich wrote:
Are you assuming we are always running in parallel on the cluster?  I find that 
Paraview for some reason complains when run in serial if you compile it with 
MPI.  So currently I'm doing four builds, opengl, osmesa, opengl-mpi, 
osmesa-mpi.  It's a PITA but now it's all automated.  Still I think it's 
confusing for our users.

I'm also personally unsure about where there is a switch for 
"--use-offscreen-rendering."  If I compile with OSMesa, I'm always going to 
want that, right?  And if OpenGL, I'm always going to disable that, right?  Why 
is there a command line switch for that?

It does sound like yes, pvservers will render to graphics cards in parallel so 
that's good to know.

-- Rich

On Oct 6, 2012, at 7:16 PM, Burlen Loring wrote:

Hi Rich,

You're always going to want to build with MPI when running on a cluster. 
Leveraging your cluster's graphics cards comes down to building with or without 
os mesa. you probably want to provide both builds, and select the build to run 
depending on whether the user has requested nodes that contain graphics cards 
or not. Hardware accelerated rendering can be faster than software based 
rendering depending on the amount of contention there is for the graphics card. 
eg 16 mpi ranks hitting the same card will likely be slower than 16 cpu cores 
running os mesa. When submitting a job you could always control this by 
limiting the number of mpi ranks per graphics card. Also, some rendering 
algorithms, such as surface LIC, are disabled when using os mesa. it's nice to 
have the hardware accelerated build in order to access the other algorithms 
when you need them.


On 10/1/2012 5:05 PM, Cook, Rich wrote:
We have large clusters and some of them have graphics cards on them.  Most 
don't.  So normally I expect to be using -DVTK_USE_OFFSCREEN:BOOL=ON   
I got to thinking.  First, if I compile with -DVTK_USE_OFFSCREEN:BOOL=ON then 
why do I have to use --use-offscreen-rendering to launch the pvservers.  
Secondly, can pvservers render to graphics cards for distributed rendering 
under MPI?  If so, does it make sense to do -DVTK_USE_OFFSCREEN:BOOL=OFF   

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✐Richard Cook
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(opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of LLNL)

✐Richard Cook
✇ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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7000 East Avenue,  Livermore, CA, 94550, USA
☎ (office) (925) 423-9605
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