I wonder if we should add a separate option (or something similar) that
allows users to add arbitrary libs and/or include paths) when using
system-anything for that "something" and then users could add any extra
libs specific to the external module they are using.


On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddi...@cscs.ch>wrote:

>   Compile does not work for me because when VTK_USE_S?YSTEM_HDF5 is ON
> and the external HDF5 is built with parallel support, the hdf5 needs to
> include the mpi directories.****
> ** **
> After quite a lot of painful testing (I wanted to do it the right way
> rather than just manually adding include_directories and link libs to
> netcdf, xmf, vtkIOAMR  …)****
> I discover that ****
> vtk_module(vtkhdf5****
>   DEPENDS****
>     vtkzlib****
>   )****
> ** **
> But how do I conditionally say (this would only work for a cmake
> configured hdf5, not an autoconf one, but that’s a fair compromise for this
> I think)****
> ** **
>     if (NOT PARAVIEW_USE_MPI)****
>       MESSAGE(ERROR "System HDF5 uses MPI but PARAVIEW_USE_MPI is
>     endif(NOT PARAVIEW_USE_MPI)****
> #****
> # In here we need to say conditionally depend on MPI****
> # But how do I add #include paths to the auto generated ****
> # set(vtkhdf5_SYSTEM_INCLUDES ${MPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH})****
> ** **
>   endif (HDF5_ENABLE_PARALLEL)****
> endif(VTK_USE_SYSTEM_HDF5)****
> ** **
> When I add the MPI path to the variable, it is overwritten before it gets
> to the Xdmf,netCDF, subdirs. I can’t find the real place where it is set
> permanently. Seems like the 3rd party macro needs extra options to pass
> in dependent paths like this.****
> ** **
> Any help appreciated.****
> ** **
> Thanks****
> ** **
> JB****
> ** **
> ** **
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