Thank you. I should've said that I tried that but it didn't work. The "regular" 
trace gave a bunch of errors when I tried to run it. When I did 
smtrace.start_trace(CaptureAllProperties=True) , that recorded more stuff, like 
the parameters that I used in the various filters, and it didn't give any 
errors when I ran it, but it also didn't save the VTI files, which is my goal.
The trace didn't include any output filenames so, apparently, the saving part 
doesn't get recorded. The last line in the trace is just Render(). Rendering is 
a part of the process when doing "Save data", at least when the object is 
hidden like in my pipeline, so it makes sense that it's last. But the rest of 
what's involved in "save data" isn't captured by the trace.

> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 19:22:24 -0500
> From: tim.gallag...@gatech.edu
> To: fuw...@hotmail.com
> CC: paraview@paraview.org
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] help with a simple script?
> Use the Paraview trace feature 
> (http://paraview.org/Wiki/Python_GUI_Tools#Trace) in the GUI when you do it 
> once and save that.
> Then it's easy to edit the resulting script to loop over the files you need.
> Tim
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Celia Bremer" <fuw...@hotmail.com>
> To: paraview@paraview.org
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 7:20:12 PM
> Subject: [Paraview] help with a simple script?
> Hello,
> I want to write a script that would open a saved state, select one of the 
> objects, and save data from that object as a VTI file series. I can do this 
> with the GUI, but it takes many hours to do this to each file and I have 
> about 60 of them, so a script would be nice since I could loop through the 
> different states. But I can't figure out how to tell PV what I want to 
> render, and I also can't find how to access options like "save time series".
> ---
> from paraview.simple import *
> import paraview.vtk.io as vtk_io
> servermanager.LoadState("test.pvsm")
> o=FindSource("Outer Mesh") # this is the name of the Gaussian resampling 
> filter
> SetActiveSource(o) # it shows up if I do Show(o) so I know PV found it
> writer = vtk_io.vtkXMLImageDataWriter()
> writer.SetInput(o)
> # TypeError: argument 1: method requires a VTK object
> # how do I specify that I want o as input, and that I want to save it as a 
> file series?
> writer.SetFileName("test.vti")
> writer.Write()
> # delete everything, load another state, repeat
> ---
> I would appreciate any pointers.
> Celia
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