1)      Solved by setting
So we pass through the data if the translator has been set. This fixes the 
blank regions which must have been caused by the D3 filter simply dropping 
cells in the regions which were shrunk, not by IceT as I guessed previously.

Now the redistribution takes place, but the pass through means the time is 
0.01s. I'm happy with that. Using the shrunken bounding boxes solves the Kd 
tree build and if the compositor doesn't know about the blank regions, who 

Second problem of redistribution looks like it was the LOD render. Forcing LOD 
to use outline seems to have solved it. Probably the LOD pipeline is using its 
own DataRedistribution which was triggering the D3 separately. I only overrode 
the normal 'still render' pipeline, so I will check to see if overriding the 
LOD pipeline too solves it. (they should certainly share the redistributed 
geometry shouldn't they?)

Thanks Utkarsh for putting me on the right track. Fingers crossed I don't find 
any more problems. First big test here did a full opacity rendering on all 12 
cores for 10million triangles about 7s which seems ok for my current needs. Now 
I'll try with the big data on the cluster :) (closer to a billion triangles I 


From: Biddiscombe, John A.
Sent: 21 November 2012 09:38
To: Biddiscombe, John A.; Utkarsh Ayachit
Cc: paraview-develop...@paraview.org; paraview@paraview.org
Subject: RE: [Paraview] [Paraview-developers] (Ordered) Compositing question.

Doesn't seem to be working as expected yet. I have found some problems which 
I'll mention here for general reference.

1)      Setting the ExtentTranslator using the function
vtkPVRenderView::SetOrderedCompositingInformation(inInfo, this, input_bet, 
whole_extent, origin, spacing); doesn't stop the Redistribution from taking 
place. I'm still debugging this, but perhaps the pipeline somehow knows that 
this is not a structured dataset and ignores the information during one phases 
of the DataDelivery pipeline. (NB. input_bet is bounds extent translator - I'm 
using my vtkBoundsExtentTranslator but it inherits from the standard 

2)      I know that 1) isn't quite true because I can see that the KdTree is 
being constructed from the extents I supply for each bounding region. There is 
a nasty bug in here which is that for an unstructured grid, boundary cells are 
uniquely assigned to each process and this means that the bounding boxes will  
slightly overlap as a cell on one process may overlap bounds with another 
process. This causes the KdTree construction to abort with an error. I can fix 
this by shrinking the bounds (extents) I pass to the KdTree but this in turn 
causes some parts of the screen to be not rendered. I haven't quite solved 
what's going on here. By screen I really mean data, there are empty regions 
between the data corresponding to the shrunken extents I've used. Seems very 
odd because the Compositor only needs to know which order to composite. Suspect 
that IceT is using the bounds to generate regions internally to composite and 
blanking out the bits it thinks are 'invisible'. Need to find a hack to fix 
this (IceT option anywhere?). Even though the extents are being used, I don't 
yet understand why the redistribution is taking place anyway.

3)      Lock Interactive render option does not work, (I'm using 3.98 from last 
week), used to be able to interact and change rotation several times then after 
2 seconds it would do a still render. Not any more. (I'm using 12 core Windows 
machine for my  debuging).

4)      Changing any options in window setting causes entire rendering pipeline 
to reexecute. D3 filter takes 80 seconds to redistribute my not very big 
dataset, if I open up settings and then click "disable splash screen" or change 
"lock interactive render" value then refresh the view, Data redistribution is 
done again thus causing a very long wait and paraview is basically unusable 
(for larger datasets) if you also consider the non working interactive/still 
delay feature. No real need to invalidate the entire view when something like 
this changes.

5)      Error messages are not displayed on windows when using client + 
pvservers. Any vtkErrorMacro("blah") causes the app to hang, you can find out 
what the error is by attaching the debugger and viewing the stack trace and 
inspecting the char* passed to the output text.

6)      App hangs on connection to pvserver if you -use-offscreen-rendering on 
a windows machine. This is strange because the error is actually "Stereo window 
must be set before creation....", but I didn't actually ask for a stereo 
window. Fix is to just set SetStereoCapableWindow to 0. Hang is caused by 5) 
error message causing lockup when using pvservers.

7)      Changing opacity causes immediate re-render. Any way of only 
re-rendering when we've finished changing settings?

I'm working on 1). There is definitely scope for modifying the interface to the 
SetOrderedCompositingInformation, I have to turn my coordinate bounding boxes 
into extents (using some fictitious image resolution) , pass them in, where 
they get used inversely to compute coordinate bounds. This would be ok to fix 
if the KdTree wasn't so fussy about overlapping bounds. This is a real problem. 
Is there any other way of giving a compositing order - I will work on making 
the tree more robust with my bounds. The BoundsExtentTranslator should be added 
to paraview proper once I finish. There are a ton of places we can optimize 
this DataDelivery phase for non structured datasets using actual bounds. I will 
work on this.

An help on any of the above gratefully received.



From: paraview-boun...@paraview.org<mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org> 
[mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Biddiscombe, John A.
Sent: 20 November 2012 14:10
To: Utkarsh Ayachit
Cc: paraview-develop...@paraview.org<mailto:paraview-develop...@paraview.org>; 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [Paraview-developers] (Ordered) Compositing question.


Depth sort painter representation working ok .... But

For my first simple implementation I'll use a D3 filter inside my other source 
so data is partitioned using the standard filters - and I can access the BSP 
cuts etc. Can I pass these cuts down the pipeline as some kind of attached 
information object and then in the ProcessViewRequest of the representation get 
them and pass them into the compositor. Using the D3 Cuts might be easier than 
my Zoltan based bounding boxes and for version 1, this'll do.

I'm looking at the code now, and can see that vtkOrderedCompositingInfo expects 
wholeextents and other stuff about spacing etc. I suppose I should simply 
invent these numbers based on my whole bounding box and the relative offsets of 
the individual boxes. Seems a shame to go from the BSP cuts to extents, 
presumably so that the compositor can then do the reverse. Is this where you 
said the interface can be improved? (meaning I can pass the bounds directly and 
bypass the structured-extents ...)



From: Utkarsh Ayachit [mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com]
Sent: 19 November 2012 16:57
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: Moreland, Kenneth; 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [Paraview-developers] (Ordered) Compositing question.


Look at vtkStructuredGridVolumeRepresentation, It passes a  "ExtentTranslator" 
to the view. The view uses the extent translator to build the KdTree. That's 
one of specifying the cuts. You can indeed provide a custom extent translator 
or if need be, that API can be extended to pass some other data-structure to 
extract the relevant information for ordered compositing.

For using opacity with polygonal data, simply go to the lookup table editor 
dialog and (in the advanced mode) you'll see a checkbox to "Enable Opacity 
Function". Check that and you can specify the opacity function.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
<biddi...@cscs.ch<mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
Thanks Ken,

My suspicions are confirmed. I had a poke around with the ordered compositing 
code (vtkOrderedCompositeDistributor et al) and saw that the BSP cuts from the 
D3 filter are set to match those from the PKDTree internally. I notice that in 
the BSPcuts code it says
  // Description:
  //   Initialize the cuts with arrays of information.  This type of
  //   information would be obtained from a graph partitioning software
  //   package like Zoltan.

Do you know if there exists such an example. I am infact partitioning the data 
using Zoltan and have the exact bounds etc of the partitions, so I can work out 
what to pass into the BSPcuts  class and could potentially fool the IceT 
composiining into using my partitions. Can you point me to any crucial function 
that I must call. Is it sufficient to do a SetCuts on the compositing code - 
which class do I need to take control of?).

I shall create a custom representation to handle the depth sort. I've done the 
same some time ago for the point sprite renderer so I'll manage that ok, but 
I'll need to override the IceT compositing pass too as alluded to above , so 
any pointers welcome. (Could I somehow subclass on of the painters for the IceT 
pass and set the cuts to what I've got, then proceed as usual?)



From: Moreland, Kenneth [mailto:kmo...@sandia.gov<mailto:kmo...@sandia.gov>]
Sent: 19 November 2012 16:13
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview-develop...@paraview.org<mailto:paraview-develop...@paraview.org>; 
Subject: Re: [Paraview-developers] (Ordered) Compositing question.

You are correct in that if you disable ordered composite it will disabled the 
distribution and the composite ordering. The problem is that the geometry 
distribution also creates a k-d tree structure that the compositing uses to 
determine the visibility order. So it would not be sufficient to simply have 
geometry that is in non-overlapping pieces. You would also have to provide some 
meta-structure that could be used to determine an appropriate ordering given a 
viewpoint. Even if you had that, there is no mechanism to feed that to the 
compositor in the view. I can't think of any way of doing that that would not 
be a huge hack.

As far as I know, there is no support for the DepthSortPolyData filter. You 
would probably have to create a custom representation to support that.

I believe the transparent lookup table for poly data is supported in 3.98, but 
to be honest I have not yet tried it.


Sent from my iPad so blame autocorrect.

On Nov 19, 2012, at 3:46 AM, "Biddiscombe, John A." 
<biddi...@cscs.ch<mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
I have geometry distributed into parallel pieces such that they are non 
overlapping and therefore compositing should only need to use a back to front 
sort last frame buffer operation with no redistribution of geometry.

I'm worried that when I turn on transparency, paraview will try to redistribute 
my data, even though I have already partitioned it nicely for this. I'd like to 
use ordered sort last compositing at the top level, and use DepthSortPolyData 
on each node (no depth peeling for now) to ensure I get a true image. What 
isn't clear to me is if I "disable ordered compositing" if this disables the 
transfer of geometry AND also disables the ordered compositing necessary for 
correct transparent blending (I may be confused here about the blend modes used 
or the term "ordered compositing" as used in the docs).

Is there written down anywhere a complete description of the pipelines used by 
the various rendering modes so that I can be sure the pipeline is doing what I 
want. I can create a custom representation which does what I want, but it'll 
take time and if the existing mechanism support it, I shouldn't need to.

Also, I specifically want to use a transparent lookuptable, does the newer 
paraview 3.98 have anything to support this. I thought I'd seen a thread about 
this recently, but cannot find it now.

In summary : For the rendering, I'd like Ordered sort-last compositing, no 
geometry redistribution, Depth sort of polygons on each node. Transparent 
lookup table.

What settings should I use :)



John Biddiscombe,                        email:biddisco @.at.@ 
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 

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