Hi ParaView,
multicomponent point data for ParaView is written as 'vector' data with
the desired number of components. In case numberOfComponents!=3 loading
such data in ParaView results in permanent warnings. According to the
following ParaView bug-report this can be avoided by using the 'scalar'
type with the desired number of components instead:


If 'vectors' is replaced by 'scalars' in the .vtu file ParaView does
indeed not complain any more. As this report is not commented and we
could not find appropriate documentation it's unclear if this is a
ParaView bug or if we misuse the 'vector' type.

Is it save to use scalar instead of vector for multicomponent point
data? Or will we lose some ParaView functionality?

Thanks for any comments,

Une science n'était vraiment développée que quand elle
pouvait utiliser les mathématiques.    (Paul Lafargue)
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