Hi Sebastien,

this is for a public deployment but I am testing in the browser while it locally logged into the system. This server is running ubuntu 11.04, apache 2.2.22. I hope that this isn't a roadblock.I can't easily upgrade.

your instructions for 14.04 went off OK but in 2 spots I had to find a work around: 1) proxy_wstunnel had to be installed manually, this went without a hitch and it loaded up without error 2) in the apache config I had to comment #Require all granted as that wasn't valid in 2.2

the session id was in the proxy.txt file and had the port number 9100 which I see elsewhere in the logs, so that looks OK.

I'm attaching the launcher config.

the apache config is pasted below.

131 ################################################################################333
132 <VirtualHost *:80>
133     ServerName paraview.lbl.gov
134     ServerAdmin blor...@lbl.gov
135     DocumentRoot /var/www/ParaView/www
136     ErrorLog "/var/www/ParaView/logs/error.log"
137     CustomLog "/var/www/ParaView/logs/access.log" common
139     <Directory "/var/www/ParaView/www">
140         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
141         Order allow,deny
142         Allow from all
143         AllowOverride None
144         #for ver >= 2.4
145         #Require all granted
146     </Directory>
148     # Handle launcher forwarding
149     ProxyPass /paraview http://localhost:8080/paraview
151     # Handle WebSocket forwarding
152     RewriteEngine On
153     RewriteMap  session-to-port txt:/var/www/ParaView/proxy.txt
154     RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^sessionId=(.*)$ [NC]
155     RewriteRule ^/proxy.*$ ws://${session-to-port:%1}/ws [P]
156 </VirtualHost>

On 11/24/2014 10:02 AM, Sebastien Jourdain wrote:
Hi Burlen,

Just to make sure, you are performing the install on an Ubuntu 14.04 ?

Are you trying to try it locally first using "localhost", or are you targeting a real deploy with a real host name?

Can you share your config file for the launcher + apache?
(You can do it privately depending on your target deploy / security)

Moreover, can you validate that the session id c3079f24-73f9-11e4-a023-002590202132 was properly mapped inside the text file that is shared between Apache and the Python launcher?



On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 10:29 AM, burlen <burlen.lor...@gmail.com <mailto:burlen.lor...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    Making an attempt to install ParaView web. I need some assistance
    in trouble shooting. I am attaching a set of logs from a single
    attempt. I'm following theinstructions for Ubuntu 14.04
    I see the x11 render window open, but the web page shows nothing.

    from the error log
    [Mon Nov 24 08:48:53 2014] [error] [client] File
    does not exist: /var/www/ParaView/www/ws:

    from the access log - - [24/Nov/2014:08:48:53 -0800] "GET
    HTTP/1.1" 404 513 - - [24/Nov/2014:08:48:53 -0800] "GET
    /proxy?sessionId=c3079f24-73f9-11e4-a023-002590202132 HTTP/1.1"
    404 457

    Seems that the problem potentially relates to web sockets. How can
    I get further info about what's failing? Can anyone give some hint
    on troubleshooting this issue?


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