Found the issue! Or at least I think I do ;-)

The short answer is that the "ready_line" property inside your
launcher.json file should be "Starting factory" and not "Starting factory -
XYZ" for all the command lines. (Like written in the documentation ;-)

The reason is that the launcher look for that exact String in the output of
the process that it runs. This allow to know when the process is ready. And
the line "Starting factory - XYZ" never show up, hence the error message
"Session did not start before timeout expired. Check session logs." has it
think the process is not ready.

Let me know if you run into something else.


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Burlen Loring <> wrote:

>  Hi Sebastien,
> OK, I finally upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 and apache 2.4! however, I still
> have some issue. again I see the render window pop up in the background, in
> the browser I have the ParaView web logo and spinning wheel, now after a
> few seconds a dialog: Session did not start before timeout expired. Check
> session logs.
> I cranked up the log verbosity in apache. attached everything.  Any idea
> what the problem is? how to get more info? paraview has an error, how does
> that get reported?
> Thanks
> Burlen
> On 11/24/2014 12:48 PM, Sebastien Jourdain wrote:
> Apache 2.2 will probably be an issue as WS forwarding was not properly
> supported with url rewrite.
>  You may need to build Apache yourself on that distribution. The one that
> have all the fix and is supposed to work is 2.4.7+.
>  We have some additional documentation about that part here:
>  Seb
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Burlen Loring <> wrote:
>>  Hi Sebastien,
>> this is for a public deployment but I am testing in the browser while it
>> locally logged into the system. This server is running ubuntu 11.04, apache
>> 2.2.22. I hope that this isn't a roadblock.I can't easily upgrade.
>> your instructions for 14.04 went off OK but in 2 spots I had to find a
>> work around:
>> 1) proxy_wstunnel had to be installed manually, this went without a hitch
>> and it loaded up without error
>> 2) in the apache config I had to comment #Require all granted as that
>> wasn't valid in 2.2
>> the session id was in the proxy.txt file and had the port number 9100
>> which I see elsewhere in the logs, so that looks OK.
>> I'm attaching the launcher config.
>> the apache config is pasted below.
>> 131
>> ################################################################################333
>> 132 <VirtualHost *:80>
>> 133     ServerName
>> 134     ServerAdmin
>> 135     DocumentRoot /var/www/ParaView/www
>> 136     ErrorLog "/var/www/ParaView/logs/error.log"
>> 137     CustomLog "/var/www/ParaView/logs/access.log" common
>> 138
>> 139     <Directory "/var/www/ParaView/www">
>> 140         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>> 141         Order allow,deny
>> 142         Allow from all
>> 143         AllowOverride None
>> 144         #for ver >= 2.4
>> 145         #Require all granted
>> 146     </Directory>
>> 147
>> 148     # Handle launcher forwarding
>> 149     ProxyPass /paraview http://localhost:8080/paraview
>> 150
>> 151     # Handle WebSocket forwarding
>> 152     RewriteEngine On
>> 153     RewriteMap  session-to-port txt:/var/www/ParaView/proxy.txt
>> 154     RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^sessionId=(.*)$ [NC]
>> 155     RewriteRule ^/proxy.*$ ws://${session-to-port:%1}/ws [P]
>> 156 </VirtualHost>
>> On 11/24/2014 10:02 AM, Sebastien Jourdain wrote:
>> Hi Burlen,
>>  Just to make sure, you are performing the install on an Ubuntu 14.04 ?
>>  Are you trying to try it locally first using "localhost", or are you
>> targeting a real deploy with a real host name?
>>  Can you share your config file for the launcher + apache?
>> (You can do it privately depending on your target deploy / security)
>>  Moreover, can you validate that the session id 
>> c3079f24-73f9-11e4-a023-002590202132
>>  was properly mapped inside the text file that is shared between Apache and
>> the Python launcher?
>>  Thanks,
>>  Seb
>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 10:29 AM, burlen <> wrote:
>>>  Hi All,
>>> Making an attempt to install ParaView web. I need some assistance in
>>> trouble shooting. I am attaching a set of logs from a single attempt. I'm
>>> following the instructions for Ubuntu 14.04
>>> <>.
>>> I see the x11 render window open, but the web page shows nothing.
>>> from the error log
>>> [Mon Nov 24 08:48:53 2014] [error] [client] File does not
>>> exist: /var/www/ParaView/www/ws:
>>> from the access log
>>> - - [24/Nov/2014:08:48:53 -0800] "GET /
>>> ws://localhost:9100/ws?sessionId=c3079f24-73f9-11e4-a023-002590202132
>>> HTTP/1.1" 404 513
>>> - - [24/Nov/2014:08:48:53 -0800] "GET
>>> /proxy?sessionId=c3079f24-73f9-11e4-a023-002590202132 HTTP/1.1" 404 457
>>> Seems that the problem potentially relates to web sockets. How can I get
>>> further info about what's failing? Can anyone give some hint on
>>> troubleshooting this issue?
>>> Burlen
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