Dear Paraview Developer,

May you please help me with the following issue:

Suppose when a solver writes data out, the field data is written in Ensight format, and the time sequence is streamed in "". Meanwhile, the geometry data is written in VTK format, and the time sequence is streamed in "paraview.pvd".
At last, let's assume the number of time sequences is 500.

Then, when loading into paraview, it does not synchronize the cases in a perfect sense and would show up with 1000 cases. When animating, there is a slight mismatch in time for the field data and geometry data. However, if I use the VTK format for both the field and geometry data,
then paraview does a great job to synchronize the data sets.

Therefore, my question would be that is it possible to handle time synchronization even for different formats?

Thank you very much for your time and help,

Huangrui Mo, PhD Candidate
Fluid Mechanics
Department of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada

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