Hi Andy,
Could you please tell me, which data set you need ?Because it´s big data.
I´m doing (Ensight 6) format.

    Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> schrieb am 17:42 Donnerstag, 2.Februar 


Can you share a data set that you are having an issue with?

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 10:12 AM, sinan shabib <sinan_sha...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I apologize,I didn´t explain it well.

I´m using: Paraview 5.2.0-RC1 , 64 bit.
All fields data are being read but not visualized, that is, I get only one 
color when I color the data with a specific field.However, when I use "find 
data" function, I can see the data.This happens only with: velocity & 
pressure.I´m working on several configurations & the same thing happens with 
all of them.

Is it a bug or VTK has been corrupted or something else ?
Thanks in advance.


 Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> schrieb am 16:00 Donnerstag, 2.Februar 

 Maybe I didn't understand what you were trying to do. Can you be a bit more 

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 5:46 AM, sinan shabib <sinan_sha...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Andy, 

Thanks for your reply.
I think you've mixed my question up with someone else´s.I still have the 
problem with data-visualization (data are read but not visualized).

    Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> schrieb am 19:02 Dienstag, 31.Januar 


Please keep the discussion on the mailing list so that anyone can participate 
(also, stuff gets lost in my Inbox too).

The ParaView Catalyst Users Guide at http://www.paraview.org/files/ 
catalyst/docs/ ParaViewCatalystUsersGuide_v2. pdf has information on how to use 
the Live functionality. It's in Section 2.3.


On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 12:29 PM, Kohlhase, Simon <simon.kohlh...@tum.de> wrote:

Hi, thanks a lot for the quick respons.At least now we know that there’s no 
point to keep on trying. I’ll try to build and install it myself then. Is there 
any previous thread where I can find out more about the simulation + catalyst 
linking to a parallel server? Best regards,Simon From: Andy Bauer 
[mailto:andy.ba...@kitware.com ]
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2017 16:22
To: Kohlhase, Simon <simon.kohlh...@tum.de>
Cc: paraview@paraview.org; felix.henner...@gmail.com; Damerow, David 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Paraview Live Visualisation C++ Pipeline Hi,Currently 
the Live functionality only works when ParaView is built with Python bindings. 
My suggestion would be to build ParaView yourself. That should be much easier 
than trying to put in a C++ pipeline that can deal with the Live functionality 
properly. As for building ParaView, you may want to look into using the 
ParaView Superbuild (https://gitlab.kitware.com/ paraview/paraview-superbuild/) 
which will also build all needed dependencies. The dependencies are probably 
all there though since you've said that ParaView is already installed there.I'm 
not sure the set up you're looking for but if you want to run with the 
simulation+Catalyst linking to a parallel pvserver on the cluster which then 
connects to a client, you may want to use ParaView master. The reason for this 
is that there was a bug that had all of the simulation+Catalyst nodes only 
being able to communicate with a single pvserver node (multiple pvserver 
processes though). If you only want to connect the simulation+Catalyst to the 
GUI client or pvserver processes on a single node then 5.2 should work fine for 
you.Best,Andy  On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 9:53 AM, Kohlhase, Simon 
<simon.kohlh...@tum.de> wrote:
Hi, for a University Project we’re trying to run Paraview Live Simulation on 
the local cluster-network. Unfortunately the network only has a Paraview 
version without python-binding installed, therefore we would like to run the 
LiveSimulation with a C++-coded Pipeline Skript. As far as we understood, to 
make it work we have to rewrite the following lines from the PythonPipeline 
Script to C++, which turns out to be quite challenging: 
coprocessor.UpdateProducers( datadescription)# Write output data, if 
appropriate.coprocessor.WriteData( datadescription);# Live Visualization, if 
enabled.coprocessor. DoLiveVisualization( datadescription, "localhost", 22222) 
We tried the following: //INITIALIZEvtkNew<vtkLiveInsituLink> 
link;vtkSMProxyManager* proxyManager;vtkSMSessionProxyManager* 
sessionProxyManager;link -> SetInsituPort(22222);link -> 
SetHostname("localhost");proxyManager = vtkSMProxyManager:: 
GetProxyManager();sessionProxyManager = proxyManager-> 
GetActiveSessionProxyManager() ;link -> Initialize( sessionProxyManager); // 
Initialize returns 1, therefore connection established properly //Then we tried 
to coprocess with the following code:vtkNew<vtkXMLPImageDataWriter> 
writer;writer->SetInputConnection( producer->GetOutputPort());vtkSMProxy* proxy 
= sessionProxyManager->NewProxy( "insitu_writer_parameters"," 
XMLPImageDataWriter");vtkSMInputProperty* property = (vtkSMInputProperty*) 
proxy -> GetProperty("Input"); //set input of proxy to our writer or 
datadescription – DOESN’T WORKwhile(true){  link->InsituUpdate( 
dataDescription->GetTime(), dataDescription->GetTimeStep() );  //update 
pipeline  link->InsituPostProcess( dataDescription->GetTime(), 
dataDescription->GetTimeStep() );  if(link->GetSimulationPaused() ){    
if(link->WaitForLiveChange()){     break;    }  } else{    break;}  } So how 
are we supposed to get the data from our simulation into the Proxy?We have been 
trying and searching the documentation for the right functions, but we can’t 
figure out how to do it. We would really appreciate some help ;-) Best 
regards,Simon Kohlhase
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