I should only need one that demonstrates the problem.

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 5:54 AM, sinan shabib <sinan_sha...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> Could you please tell me, which data set you need ?
> Because it´s big data.
> I´m doing (Ensight 6) format.
> Greetings.
> Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> schrieb am 17:42 Donnerstag,
> 2.Februar 2017:
> Hi,
> Can you share a data set that you are having an issue with?
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 10:12 AM, sinan shabib <sinan_sha...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I apologize,I didn´t explain it well.
> I´m using: *Paraview 5.2.0-RC1 , 64 bit.*
> All fields data are being read but not visualized, that is, I get only one
> color when I color the data with a specific field.
> However, when I use "find data" function, I can see the data.
> This happens only with: velocity & pressure.
> I´m working on several configurations & the same thing happens with all of
> them.
> Is it a bug or VTK has been corrupted or something else ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> schrieb am 16:00 Donnerstag,
> 2.Februar 2017:
> Maybe I didn't understand what you were trying to do. Can you be a bit
> more specific?
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 5:46 AM, sinan shabib <sinan_sha...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I think you've mixed my question up with someone else´s.
> I still have the problem with data-visualization (data are read but not
> visualized).
> Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> schrieb am 19:02 Dienstag, 31.Januar
> 2017:
> Hi,
> Please keep the discussion on the mailing list so that anyone can
> participate (also, stuff gets lost in my Inbox too).
> The ParaView Catalyst Users Guide at http://www.paraview.org/files/
> catalyst/docs/ ParaViewCatalystUsersGuide_v2. pdf
> <http://www.paraview.org/files/catalyst/docs/ParaViewCatalystUsersGuide_v2.pdf>
> has information on how to use the Live functionality. It's in Section 2.3.
> Best,
> Andy
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 12:29 PM, Kohlhase, Simon <simon.kohlh...@tum.de>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks a lot for the quick respons.
> At least now we know that there’s no point to keep on trying.
> I’ll try to build and install it myself then.
> Is there any previous thread where I can find out more about the
> simulation + catalyst linking to a parallel server?
> Best regards,
> Simon
> *From:* Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.ba...@kitware.com ]
> *Sent:* Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2017 16:22
> *To:* Kohlhase, Simon <simon.kohlh...@tum.de>
> *Cc:* paraview@paraview.org; felix.henner...@gmail.com; Damerow, David <
> david.dame...@tum.de>
> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview] Paraview Live Visualisation C++ Pipeline
> Hi,
> Currently the Live functionality only works when ParaView is built with
> Python bindings. My suggestion would be to build ParaView yourself. That
> should be much easier than trying to put in a C++ pipeline that can deal
> with the Live functionality properly.
> As for building ParaView, you may want to look into using the ParaView
> Superbuild (https://gitlab.kitware.com/ paraview/paraview-superbuild/
> <https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview-superbuild/>) which will
> also build all needed dependencies. The dependencies are probably all there
> though since you've said that ParaView is already installed there.
> I'm not sure the set up you're looking for but if you want to run with the
> simulation+Catalyst linking to a parallel pvserver on the cluster which
> then connects to a client, you may want to use ParaView master. The reason
> for this is that there was a bug that had all of the simulation+Catalyst
> nodes only being able to communicate with a single pvserver node (multiple
> pvserver processes though). If you only want to connect the
> simulation+Catalyst to the GUI client or pvserver processes on a single
> node then 5.2 should work fine for you.
> Best,
> Andy
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 9:53 AM, Kohlhase, Simon <simon.kohlh...@tum.de>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> for a University Project we’re trying to run Paraview Live Simulation on
> the local cluster-network. Unfortunately the network only has a Paraview
> version without python-binding installed, therefore we would like to run
> the LiveSimulation with a C++-coded Pipeline Skript.
> As far as we understood, to make it work we have to rewrite the following
> lines from the PythonPipeline Script to C++, which turns out to be quite
> challenging:
> coprocessor.UpdateProducers( datadescription)
> # Write output data, if appropriate.
> coprocessor.WriteData( datadescription);
> # Live Visualization, if enabled.
> coprocessor. DoLiveVisualization( datadescription, "localhost", 22222)
> We tried the following:
> vtkNew<vtkLiveInsituLink> link;
> vtkSMProxyManager* proxyManager;
> vtkSMSessionProxyManager* sessionProxyManager;
> link -> SetInsituPort(22222);
> link -> SetHostname("localhost");
> proxyManager = vtkSMProxyManager:: GetProxyManager();
> sessionProxyManager = proxyManager-> GetActiveSessionProxyManager() ;
> link -> Initialize( sessionProxyManager);
> // Initialize returns 1, therefore connection established properly
> //Then we tried to coprocess with the following code:
> vtkNew<vtkXMLPImageDataWriter> writer;
> writer->SetInputConnection( producer->GetOutputPort());
> vtkSMProxy* proxy = sessionProxyManager->NewProxy(
> "insitu_writer_parameters"," XMLPImageDataWriter");
> vtkSMInputProperty* property = (vtkSMInputProperty*) proxy ->
> GetProperty("Input");
> //set input of proxy to our writer or datadescription – DOESN’T WORK
> while(true){
>   link->InsituUpdate( dataDescription->GetTime(),
> dataDescription->GetTimeStep() );
>   //update pipeline
>   link->InsituPostProcess( dataDescription->GetTime(),
> dataDescription->GetTimeStep() );
>   if(link->GetSimulationPaused() ){
>     if(link->WaitForLiveChange()){
>       break;
>     }
>   } else{
>     break;
> }
>   }
> So how are we supposed to get the data from our simulation into the Proxy?
> We have been trying and searching the documentation for the right
> functions, but we can’t figure out how to do it.
> We would really appreciate some help ;-)
> Best regards,
> Simon Kohlhase
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