Hi Dennis,

Calculator filter did the trick. I created Loc using vector array coords.
Then I have no problem finding the points using Find Data by specifying
certain Loc.

Thanks for the help.


On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Dennis Conklin <
dennis_conk...@goodyear.com> wrote:

> Yifei,
> I don’t know anything about vtu files – I don’t see any array of
> “Position”.
> However, perhaps you can use vector array coords – this is Paraviews
> internal array of point positions.   You could use this to create Loc after
> you read your file into Paraview – your filesize would not increase,
> although you would use some memory for the duplicate of coords (I assume
> running Calculator does a deep copy, anyone able to correct me)
> So, read in file, run calculator on it – add Point Data Array Name of Loc
> – from the Vectors dropdown add coords to expression.   Now you will have a
> vector called Loc and my earlier queries will work.
> I could not get the queries to work directly with the coords vector array
> – maybe someone else knows how to do that.
> Dennis
> *From:* Yifei Ma [mailto:yifei85...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 13, 2017 12:32 PM
> *To:* Dennis Conklin <dennis_conk...@goodyear.com>
> *Cc:* Paraview (paraview@paraview.org) <paraview@paraview.org>
> *Subject:* [EXT] Re: [Paraview] Select points based on coordinates
>  *WARNING - External email; exercise caution.*
> Hi Dennis,
> Sorry that I wasn't clear about the data file. The "Loc" DataArray is not
> included in the original data. I simply copy&paste the "Position" DataArray
> and re-named it "Loc" in order to find data based on its location. This is
> a workaround and it works just fine for small data files. However, my
> original data is quit huge and I have to do the copy&paste for thousands of
> files to make the workaround work. Also file size will be increased
> significantly by using this method. Since the "Position" information is
> already included in each data file. I am wondering if there is a way to
> access it in "Find Data". If so, I don't need to replicate it to create
> "Loc".
> Thanks,
> Yifei
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 7:57 AM, Dennis Conklin <
> dennis_conk...@goodyear.com> wrote:
> Yifei,
> I don’t understand the issue.
> I DL’ed your file and proceeded as follows
> Edit/Settings/General/Auto Convert Properties checked (On)
> Find Data
> Find POINTS in test_data.vtu
> Loc(0) is >= 0.009
> Run Selection Query
> Extract Selection
> This correctly extracted the 1 point met that requirement
> If I change to a query of
> (Loc[:,0] >= .008) & (Loc[:,1] >= -.0004)  then it correctly selects the
> single point that meets that criteria.
> Perhaps the difficulty is because you haven’t  set Auto Convert Properties
> Hope this helps.
> Dennis
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