Noble sons

I'm obsessed with the interpretation of the PAC's historical role in the 
transformation and change programme for Azania. PAC's purpose is for me what 
matters most, and if we all do not find common ground in the long term vision 
and the immediate objectives of the Party, we'll continue to drift aimlessly. I 
agree with studies of other liberation struggles, including Palestine, south 
America and others. This will broaden our horizons. 

I bought Tom Lodge's "SHARPEVILLE - an apartheid massacre and its consequences" 
published by Oxford University Press in 2011. It's well written structurally 
and pins SA's change on the culmination of the 21 March 1960 events. But it 
does not portray the Positive Action Campaign the same as it would have been 
explained by Nyathi Pokela, or even the 1976 to 1994 PAC resilience the way it 
really was. It irks me that Lodge, who interviewed APLA cadres (in detention in 
the eighties) and observed the swoop on Party structures countrywide on 25 May 
1993 (ahead of the Transitional Executive Authority) and the subsequent decline 
as a result of enemy infiltration and sabotage, fails to put these significant 
acts into context. In fact he ignores them completely. I still question his 
academic objectivity. 

We should therefore write and discuss world events and phenomena, in the 
context of revolutionary Pan Africanism and its threats and challenges.

Lefatshe la rona ke Africa

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mduduzi Sibeko <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 07:45:39 
To: <>
Subject: [PAYCO]

Cde  Seroke ,Hlongwane 
When I have time, I wish to write a narrative about how the State of Israel was 
established, also with the ensuring conflict with the Arabs States including 
liberation movements such as PLO  and others. remember, we have been in 
fraternal relationship with the PLO in the 80's and early 90's. the position of 
international law in recognizing Palestine as a sovereign state. May I appeal 
again within our entire comradeship to make use of books and read extensively.  
Dr. Pheko, every time when I talk to him, as a person with a passion for 
African History, would ask me about African writers most of whom I have never 
heard about. 
kind regards 
Mduduzi Sibeko 
T +27-11-724-9281
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F 086-754-2176
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