Cde Mzu Cabanga

I would caution against a knee jerk response to the circumstances of imprisoned 
APLA comrades without a full appreciation of the PAC's efforts to correct and 
amend their incarceration, and have all of them released. You are also very 
shrill and abrasive in attacking, I assume, Africanists who work for the ANC 

Firstly, Motsoko Pheko is on record for having led a campaign to release APLA 
cadres from prison after being convicted for fighting for freedom. This has 
been his swan song for 17 years now. At the point when a special parliamentary 
committee was formed to address a constitutional pardon to effect their 
release, including those from the other parties, Letlapa Mphahlele wrote a 
letter to Mbeki that Pheko should not belong to that committee and that Mudini 
Maivha replace him. Maivha was not a member of parliament and could only bark 
without biting, and the chair of this committee went to a former NP leader who 
has stalled the process ever since. Talk about cutting your nose to spite your 
face. Yebo, we must sustain the programme to release all our comrades. The 
saboteurs must stay out. Full stop.

Secondly, we are in an environment of constitutional democracy designed to 
protect settler interests with western backing. The struggle is not over yet. 
This phase requires strategic positioning and sustained coordination of our 
activities. PAC cadres have been sent to provide service in the state machinery 
since 1994. Efforts to resuscitate the PAC are deliberately sabotaged, and the 
decline of the Party has reached rock bottom. We must appreciate all factors 
and analyse the objective conditions, for us to make a serious awakening and to 
form a lasting alliance with the struggles of the Azanian masses. We must 
vanquish our opponents with facts, so says the evergreen PAC Basic Documents.

There are those who fall prey to ANC tactics and unwittingly get used as 
idiots. They get to tasting the nector of neo-colonialism and cannot release 
their hands from the cookie jar. Structurally, observe the conduct of APC in 
the SCOPA programmes and make political reviews.  

My Afrika greetings.

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: Mzu Cabanga <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 08:16:24 
To: <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: [PAYCO]

Greetings noble sons and daughters of the soil!

It is of utmost dissappointment to find out there are APLA members who are 
still in jail for political reasons whilst we are succesful businessmen and 
employees of the same whites who were the enemies of the Afrikans.
It is a very painful feeling to be held captive in your own land by people who 
do not even belong here.

I think more than everything that is on the table i.e. conferences, 
commemorations e.t.c. we owe it to the Afrikans in prison to do something 
urgently about that.
Even Sobukwe would cry tears of blood if he were around and see that we are 
saying little if anything about the APLA members in jail.

Ma-Afrika if we do not wake up now sooner or later it is going to be very 
difficult for the coming generation to distinguish us from the ANC and all this 
liberal organisations.
We have Afrikans who go around embracing GEAR and becoming spokespeople of the 
ANC governments and later brand themselves as revolutionary Pan Afrikanists 
(Cunningham Ngcukana).

This is a mockery to PAC of Azania and Pan Afrikanism at large.
I mean what happened to the PAC that was active and less vocal? What happened 
to the PAC that led the march in 1960 where black people were massacred by the 
white police.

If we waste too much energy on claiming those struggles without any recent 
evidence that we are capable of that then we are hearding for a doom and that 
is what the whites are craving like a juicy Mcdonalds burger passing them.
iAfrika lilizwe lethu and this madness that we achieved is far from what 
Afrikans deserve, if we fail to reclaim it back then no one else will.

Let us wake up for this is the last generation and after this there will no 
longer be a Pan Afrikanist movement in South Afrika and most probably in Afrika.
One thing that is slowly but surely becoming evident is that we cannot defeat 
this system by its own design (Parliament) and so it is up to us to take a 
deciscion to continue wasting our time and humiliating ourselves in the media 
or find an alternative, the alternative we all know I'm sure and that is 
fighting the system the way it really works and not the lotto they have created 
knowing that you will never guess the six numbers right (VOTES)
I trust that these foolish words will not fall into deaf ears.


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Serame Mokgakala < 
<> > wrote:
 Yes Comrade! our voice has always been feared. Please read
 WhatsouthAfricaneed.docx and send me your opinion.

 On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Jaki Seroke < 
<> > wrote:
 > Bafowethu
 > We must begin to uphold the valiant deeds and bravery of our comrades in 
 > APLA, and openly record their creative fighting methods which stung the 
 > enemy effectively. I was scribe for PAC delegates in the '92 /93 talks with 
 > senior SAP officers, led by police minister Kriel, in which they admitted to 
 > the superior skills APLA guerrillas used in combat. Figures such as Ncapayi 
 > were mentioned, and must therefore not be forgotten.
 > Tom Lodge admits to erroneous reviews of PAC inputs in his earlier research 
 > work, but does not cite examples. It is dishonest to make sweeping 
 > generalisations of past mistakes without specifics. This is just meant to 
 > gain confidence of readers. However, I'm impressed with his coverage of 
 > PAC's direct operations before Sharpeville imploded. Most of the uninformed 
 > talking heads on tv, pretending to be political analysts, will have an 
 > authoritative reference with this new title.
 > We of the PAC are being deliberately sidelined in debates in the public 
 > media space. The ANC and their chosen propagandists makes the mass media to 
 > behave like Pravda, which lied every day until the Soviet empire crumbled. I 
 > know how bias and propaganda works: repeat negative publicity until it is 
 > believed to belong exclusively to the PAC, and shine the marbles of the 
 > worst among them so that those who are best are discouraged from open 
 > association with this revolutionary movement. This is Goebbel's methodology.
 > Eg: A well researched book on the life of Thami Mnyele "Art + Revolution", 
 > an artist killed in Gaborone during the SADF raid in 1985, deliberately 
 > avoids detailing my personal influence in the dramatic change that led to 
 > Mnyele joining the revolution. They never talked to me (his bosom pal) 
 > during research even though his fleeing SA in 1978 was after confiding to 
 > me. You see, he joined the ANC and I was then known to be a PAC underground 
 > operative. We were very close friends and they'd rather not bring PAC 
 > influence on one of their own in a book that may be a prescribed textbook 
 > for Art History 101.
 > Let's rather record the details of major feats conducted by our own 
 > comrades, and tell their stories honestly without mangamanga. Otherwise the 
 > coming generations will call us spineless cowards and shameless traitors.
 > Open palm salute.
 > Jaki
 > Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Sebenzile Mlaza < <> >
 > Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 14:56:45
 > To: < <> >; 
 > < <> >
 > Subject: RE: [PAYCO]
 > Revolutionary greetings to all,
 > An email hereunder by Comrade Jaki Seroke reminds me of one documentary that 
 > was televised on the 19th January 2011 between 18H00 and 20H00 sharp on 
 > channel 111 on TopTV entitled "Amandla! The role of music in the struggle 
 > against apartheid." As it is to be expected producers were more keen than 
 > anything else in reinventing the wheel, it was Hugh Masekela this, Mandela 
 > that, Merriam Makeba this, Vusi Mahlasela this or that, MK this or that etc. 
 > No mention was ever made in the likes of Letta Mbuli, Tlokwe Sehuma and 
 > Medu, Carlos Djedje, Bayethe etc.
 > It was further reported in the same documentary, I would say in an apparent 
 > glee and in a sense with a sado-masochistic triumph that at some stage in 
 > the 1960s people were instructed by Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu to burn 
 > their (dom)passes. No reference nor mention of the role played by Robert 
 > Mangaliso Sobukwe and the PAC in orchestrating the Sharpville uprising is 
 > made, except some kaleidoscopic pictures albeit in passing of a few 
 > bystanders with an open palm salute. However, same is not being accounted 
 > for by narrators in the programme. Viewers will have to be excused for 
 > believing that the PAC was nowhere to be seen in the 1960s, as in fact, 
 > there was no actual visuals of PAC activism in the year in question in the 
 > same documentary.
 > It is becoming abundantly clear that the South African media and of course 
 > some nasty and racist academics in the likes of Tom Lodge and others are 
 > giving the PAC a raw deal for one reason or the other. Azania needs an 
 > impartial media, not a party political driven media and academia. In 
 > journo-political circles this is what is called journalistic gerrymandering, 
 > whether its first autocracy before democracy, that issue irrelevant in our 
 > case we simple deserve an impartial media, we surely are a mature democracy 
 > by now.
 > ps: To Cde Jaki Seroke - keep up the good work and always keep putting party 
 > line across, you remind me of the late Themba Mpinzimpinzi Ncapayi who was 
 > ambushed by the racist settler forces in Durban, Natal in 1992.
 > Izwe Lethu i-Afrika
 > Sebenzile Mlaza
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: <>  
 > [ <> ] On Behalf 
 > Of Jaki Seroke
 > Sent: 13 June 2011 10:42
 > To: Mduduzi Sibeko ; <> 
 > Subject: Re: [PAYCO]
 > Noble sons
 > I'm obsessed with the interpretation of the PAC's historical role in the 
 > transformation and change programme for Azania. PAC's purpose is for me what 
 > matters most, and if we all do not find common ground in the long term 
 > vision and the immediate objectives of the Party, we'll continue to drift 
 > aimlessly. I agree with studies of other liberation struggles, including 
 > Palestine, south America and others. This will broaden our horizons.
 > I bought Tom Lodge's "SHARPEVILLE - an apartheid massacre and its 
 > consequences" published by Oxford University Press in 2011. It's well 
 > written structurally and pins SA's change on the culmination of the 21 March 
 > 1960 events. But it does not portray the Positive Action Campaign the same 
 > as it would have been explained by Nyathi Pokela, or even the 1976 to 1994 
 > PAC resilience the way it really was. It irks me that Lodge, who interviewed 
 > APLA cadres (in detention in the eighties) and observed the swoop on Party 
 > structures countrywide on 25 May 1993 (ahead of the Transitional Executive 
 > Authority) and the subsequent decline as a result of enemy infiltration and 
 > sabotage, fails to put these significant acts into context. In fact he 
 > ignores them completely. I still question his academic objectivity.
 > We should therefore write and discuss world events and phenomena, in the 
 > context of revolutionary Pan Africanism and its threats and challenges.
 > Lefatshe la rona ke Africa
 > Jaki
 > Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Mduduzi Sibeko < 
 > <> >
 > Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 07:45:39
 > To: < <> >
 > Subject: [PAYCO]
 > Cde  Seroke ,Hlongwane
 > When I have time, I wish to write a narrative about how the State of Israel 
 > was established, also with the ensuring conflict with the Arabs States 
 > including liberation movements such as PLO  and others. remember, we have 
 > been in fraternal relationship with the PLO in the 80's and early 90's. the 
 > position of international law in recognizing Palestine as a sovereign state. 
 > May I appeal again within our entire comradeship to make use of books and 
 > read extensively.  Dr. Pheko, every time when I talk to him, as a person 
 > with a passion for African History, would ask me about African writers most 
 > of whom I have never heard about.
 > kind regards
 > Mduduzi Sibeko
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 Ezrom Serame Mokgakala

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Mzulungile Cabanga

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