Cde Kgagudi

You questions are not rhetorical at all.

   1. We are attending Butterworth conscious of its constitutional dilemma.
   We are not naive to think that power will be handed over with big smiles.
   We appreciate the legal process under-way and we equally appreciate that
   political influence must be contested. We decided to contest for that
   influence on every platform called in the PAC name including Butterworth.
   Are you convince that with more time PAC will be handed over to its
   members? I am not has to be contested (now or/and then).
   Abuse of power will not come to an end by itself. Yes, we risk the vicious
   circle and I agree it has to be broken.
   2. I full share your sentiments on *building strong party
structures*and strengthening of branches. Branches strong enough to
   make ideological sound decisions and make solid determination on strategic
   & tactical matters.
   3. *What is principled party unity? *We are brought together by five
   aims of the party. We should be united to promote them. *How we foster
   party unity? *It is codifying our value system through party regulations
   (internal policies). Properly discussed and constitutionally adopted
   regulations. Complying to this codes and demand compliance of all party
   members especially leadership. Leadership has been the most
   ill discipline section of our membership. Ordinary member do not create
   bogus branches neither do they sideline other members.* Where in past? *I
   have always allow different views in all structures that I participated
   in and never sidelined those who disagreed with my views. I am assertive on
   my views but never antagonist against Africanists. Me and you were there,
   when APC took the REC of Johannesburg. We closed the gap and fostered unity.
   4. We need to establish *Africanist Socialist Democracy* by seizing
   power and we also need to sustain that social order. The emphasis is on
   building capability to sustain but that does not diminish the importance of
   revolutionary process to establish the desire social order. *Content and
   Context* is Africanistic in orientation, socialistic in content,
   democratic in form and creative in purpose.
   5. *Revolutionary values: *Noble son, please refer the email that you
   sent to this forum dated 27 June 2012 (Subject was RECLAIM PAC FOR A
   REVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMME). You correct highlighted the cancer of
   cadreship that lacks revolutionary values. Revolution values are well
   summarised by Sobukwe on Leadership.
   6. *Relevance of Africanist Manifesto:* White domination
   remain intact regardless of its form. Direct colonialism or neocolonialism
    is still white domination (*whether visible or invisible*). Capitalism
   and chain reaction analysis identifying expansion of market remain source
   of social problems (imperialism) cannot be disputed. Where are we with the
   African personality, identity or national question. *The analysis and
   prescribed solution remain up-to-date*. Yes, we can expand on each of
   paragraphs from A - O or interpret them for our understanding.


Sbusiso Xaba

On 7 July 2012 17:15, linda ndebele <> wrote:

> Probably its worth asking who nominated cde Sbu for president which
> necessitated that he accepts nomination and forgo his previous position
> against Congress?
> Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
> ------------------------------
> *From: * "Nkrumah Kgagudi" <>
> *Sender: *
> *Date: *Sat, 7 Jul 2012 16:44:01 +0200
> *To: *<>
> *ReplyTo: *
> *Subject: *RE: [PAYCO] PAC Leadership Manifesto
> Comrade Xaba****
> ** **
> I thought you were part of those who rejected and denounced the July 2012
> congress on the basis that PAC is not ready for an elective congress and
> that focus should be setting up a process to formulate a party political
> programme as primary and a necessary act that precedes and dictates
> subsequent activities such as identification of leadership and organisation!
> ****
> ** **
> What made you to change heart? Do you believe that if the July 2012
> congress proceeds, those who will emerge will bring a lasting solution for
> PAC? ****
> ** **
> And that the current PAC ‘regime’ will voluntarily relinquish position of
> authority and all of a sudden the spirit of democracy will prevail?   ****
> ** **
> Why not focus in systematic building and re-organisation of the PAC from
> the bottom-up? If there are stronger and politically clear branches, no
> self serving individuals will ascend into leadership positions without
> endorsement of branches? ****
> ** **
> Are you not falling into the same vicious circle that has led to political
> and organisational stagnation of PAC?****
> ** **
> Lastly, your PAC Leadership Manifesto is interesting, the second paragraph
> states that *“Our major focus is to foster principled party unity, …” *maybe
> the comrade can share and explain as to what constitutes a *“principled
> party unity?”* and how will that principled party unity be achieved? What
> has been the Comrade’s contribution in past to foster that principled
>  unity within PAC including its component structures?****
> ** **
> Secondly, you envisage  *“To build a strong PAC institutional capability
> to confront injustices, install revolutionary values and sustain Africanist
> Socialist Democracy”*, what constitutes revolutionary values and how can
> the *PAC “sustain Africanist Socialist Democracy”* whilst PAC is not in
> political power? And by an Africanist Socialist Democracy you refer to what
> and what context?    ****
> ** **
> Thirdly, you advanced a view that *“Africanist Manifesto remains an up to
> date revolutionary platform to guide the African revolution”*, the Pan
> Africanist Manifesto was adopted in 1959, in 1958 Africa had eight (8)
> independent African countries, it is now fifty three (53) years since 1959,
> there is no longer classic colonialism and there are 53/54 independent
> states in Africa, how can a 1959 perspective remain relevant after 53 years?
> ****
> ** **
> ** **
> I hope you will not find my inquiry rhetorical.  ****
> ** **
> Regards****
> ** **
> Nkrumah ****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On Behalf
> Of *Sbusiso Xaba
> *Sent:* 06 July 2012 08:17 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [PAYCO] PAC Leadership Manifesto****
> ** **
> ** **
> On 6 July 2012 18:55, Hulisani Mmbara <> wrote:****
> I came across this 'manifesto' on facebook.
> "I accepted nomination for position of PAC President. I pledge to this
> commitment."- Sbusiso Xaba
> PAC Leadership Manifesto
> By Sbusiso Xaba
> Preamble
> Our major focus is to foster principled party unity, reconcile party
> members and create space for members to excel in the service of African
> people. We will collectively provide guidance on resolving the current
> constitutional crisis. We appreciate that PAC strength lies in its ideology
> and the application of democratic centralism should be based on enforceable
> decision-making model, which is capable of eliminate unmanaged conflict and
> power abuse with the PAC.
> Vision
> To build a strong PAC institutional capability to confront injustices,
> install revolutionary values and sustain Africanist Socialist Democracy.
> Key pillars of PAC program of action
> Accelerate PAC cadre development and political education (Pan Africanism,
> strategy and tactics).
> Develop PAC campaigning capacity in various areas
> Sovereignty, reparation, economic self-determination and Africanist
> Socialist production
> Holistic life quality to foster the Africanist personality (education,
> health and housing).
> Nation building (organising African nation scattered across the world).
> Develop PAC regulations (internal policies) that guide decision-making and
> foster party unity such as:
> PAC Cadre Deployment Regulation (Selection, Monitoring and Evaluation)
> PAC Delegation of Authority Regulation (what structure make which decision)
> PAC Investment Regulation (where and how the party invests)
> Develop institutional capacity (strong administrative machinery). Separate
> institutional governance, bureaucratic and technocratic functions of the
> party
> Elect leadership to focus on institutional (corporate) governance of party.
> Appoint professional staff to run day-to-day administration machinery of
> party.
> Appoint professional staff to conduct technocrat work of the party such as
> preliminary policy research.
> Cooperation and systematic coordination of membership participation in
> social movement. This creates capacity for the party to deliver alternative
> channels for basic services.
> Deliberate financial support of component structures to organise in
> mandated social sector.
> Offensive component structure (students, labour and women)
> Defensive component structure (youth and military veteran)
> Conclusion
> The miserable, poverty stricken, war mongers and disease riddled Europe
> destroyed African sovereignty. European society further built its
> capitalism trance on the foundation of African blood, African labour and
> African land resources. This low culture society is determined to
> perpetuate these injustices through various schemes of neo-colonialism
> therefore revolution is a necessity for African people.
> It is the responsibility of African people to develop mechanisms and
> institutions for their total liberation. PAC is the institution for the
> implementation of the revolution, which is a well planned and immaculately
> executed series of events that is design to bring fundamental social change
> and alteration in power relations. It is my firm believe that there can
> never be a sustainable revolution without a revolutionary party, a
> revolutionary party without revolutionary program, a revolutionary program
> without revolutionary leadership and revolutionary leadership without
> revolutionary theory. Africanist Manifesto remains an up to date
> revolutionary platform to guide the African revolution.
> Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
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