Comrade Linda

Genuine comrades within the PAC including its component structures aspire for a 
state whereat members and particularly those in leadership positions and those 
who might have led should not be pharisist on forging party unity. We should 
not condemn Letlapa and other for being factionalist when we are indifferent.  

I personally urge you and many other PAC members that at all times efforts 
should be made to achieve unity among comrades as opposed to antogonising each 
and every PAC comrade who hold differing views. The resentment comrades have 
against each other is not healthy and above all it deepens disunity within the 

While the ANC continues to dismally fail in bringing any meangingfull change 
for the vast majority of the African masses and neocolonialism strengthens its 
stranglehold in Africa, we as PAC continue to be weaken by our own inability to 
unite even on the most basic and less complex matters. I believe that all of us 
should spent whatever remaining energy and intelligence we each posses to forge 
unity with purpose and unity in action. 

There are comrades who have condemned the approach to resolve PAC political and 
organisational issues through neocolonial and bourgouisie courts and preferred 
more of party internal mechanism amidst the daunting challenges including 
counter organisation. However, there are comrades who strongly believe that 
political efforts had been tried without success thus the court approach might 
bring a solution whilst other comrades embraced all forms of interventions to 
reclaim the PAC position the party on a socialist revolutionary programme. We 
can appreciate all the three perspectives since none is antagonistic to the 
others, most comrades are driven by a determination to reclaim and rebuild the 
PAC, thus we should forge unity with a common purpose amd action than attack 
each others to an extent we are indifferent to the self contradictory 
statements of cde Letlapa. Cde Xaba views should be appreciated and like many 
other views we should contribute in making their effort and risks to be 
succesful to reclaim the PAC, thus all comrades who will attend this congress 
should be encouraged to be united and act in unison as oppossed to experiences 
of Alice whereat comrades who complained about the decree failed yo act in 
unison thud Letlapa was retained. If the court application fails and if 
attempts to reclaim PAC from Letlapa are also not successful, then this implies 
all in PAC is back to where things have been before. . .

Forge unity than disunity, organise and not agonise other comrades.

I can only hope that in my message there is adeqaute sense and reason.

Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi

Sent from Samsung tablet

linda ndebele <> wrote:

>Interesting, its no longer about leadership collective. This campaign seeks to 
>legitimize Letlapa and his flawed processes.
>Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sbusiso Xaba <>
>Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 20:17:21 
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: [PAYCO] PAC Leadership Manifesto
>On 6 July 2012 18:55, Hulisani Mmbara <> wrote:
>> I came across this 'manifesto' on facebook.
>> "I accepted nomination for position of PAC President. I pledge to this
>> commitment."- Sbusiso Xaba
>> PAC Leadership Manifesto
>> By Sbusiso Xaba
>> Preamble
>> Our major focus is to foster principled party unity, reconcile party
>> members and create space for members to excel in the service of African
>> people. We will collectively provide guidance on resolving the current
>> constitutional crisis. We appreciate that PAC strength lies in its ideology
>> and the application of democratic centralism should be based on enforceable
>> decision-making model, which is capable of eliminate unmanaged conflict and
>> power abuse with the PAC.
>> Vision
>> To build a strong PAC institutional capability to confront injustices,
>> install revolutionary values and sustain Africanist Socialist Democracy.
>> Key pillars of PAC program of action
>> Accelerate PAC cadre development and political education (Pan Africanism,
>> strategy and tactics).
>> Develop PAC campaigning capacity in various areas
>> Sovereignty, reparation, economic self-determination and Africanist
>> Socialist production
>> Holistic life quality to foster the Africanist personality (education,
>> health and housing).
>> Nation building (organising African nation scattered across the world).
>> Develop PAC regulations (internal policies) that guide decision-making and
>> foster party unity such as:
>> PAC Cadre Deployment Regulation (Selection, Monitoring and Evaluation)
>> PAC Delegation of Authority Regulation (what structure make which decision)
>> PAC Investment Regulation (where and how the party invests)
>> Develop institutional capacity (strong administrative machinery). Separate
>> institutional governance, bureaucratic and technocratic functions of the
>> party
>> Elect leadership to focus on institutional (corporate) governance of party.
>> Appoint professional staff to run day-to-day administration machinery of
>> party.
>> Appoint professional staff to conduct technocrat work of the party such as
>> preliminary policy research.
>> Cooperation and systematic coordination of membership participation in
>> social movement. This creates capacity for the party to deliver alternative
>> channels for basic services.
>> Deliberate financial support of component structures to organise in
>> mandated social sector.
>> Offensive component structure (students, labour and women)
>> Defensive component structure (youth and military veteran)
>> Conclusion
>> The miserable, poverty stricken, war mongers and disease riddled Europe
>> destroyed African sovereignty. European society further built its
>> capitalism trance on the foundation of African blood, African labour and
>> African land resources. This low culture society is determined to
>> perpetuate these injustices through various schemes of neo-colonialism
>> therefore revolution is a necessity for African people.
>> It is the responsibility of African people to develop mechanisms and
>> institutions for their total liberation. PAC is the institution for the
>> implementation of the revolution, which is a well planned and immaculately
>> executed series of events that is design to bring fundamental social change
>> and alteration in power relations. It is my firm believe that there can
>> never be a sustainable revolution without a revolutionary party, a
>> revolutionary party without revolutionary program, a revolutionary program
>> without revolutionary leadership and revolutionary leadership without
>> revolutionary theory. Africanist Manifesto remains an up to date
>> revolutionary platform to guide the African revolution.
>> Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
>> --
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