
I did not have time to contribute to the question raised by cde
Mashao. That is, the question of revolution or efficiency? I hope I'll
have time to write something to contribute to the discussion.

It is now enough to state that the same question faced V.I. Lenin and
Mao Tse Tung in their own countries. Even Trosky addressed the same
question too.

Lenin and Mao came up with terminology of tailism, commandism, mass
line(''From the masses, to the masses''), protracted war, quick-
victory, impetuosity (impatience), etc to explain their stance and
solution to the question.  Comrades must refer to their contribution
on the question.

The question reminded Mao the parable of the sheeperd and the sheep.
The shepherd has three options: to lead the sheep at the
forefront(which is uncommon), or to drive the sheep from behind(which
is common), or to lead the sheep from the middle.

It is clear which leadership alternatives are adopted by PAC
(including PAM), ANC, DA, etc in South African politics.

Mao concluded and said there are three leadership alternatives
available to lead the masses, namely, to match at their head and lead
them, or to trail behind them, gesticulating and criticising them, or
to stand in their way or oppose them. He further says, ''Every leader
is free to choose, but events will force you to make the choice

Mao also used the analogy of the fish and water to describe the
intereactions between revolutionaries and masses. He said the
revoluionary is like  the fish and the masses are like the water. lf
the water is polluted, e.g., with oil, the fish will survive. It will

Comrades, allow me to rest my case as vaguely as it is. I hope cde
Nkrumah and others will respond to the question too. I hope I will
time explain myself further.

This is real a critical question we have been avoiding to answer for
some time within the Pan Africanist fold.

Izwe Lethu!

Charge-in Mabso

On 7/31/12, Walter Molapo <> wrote:
> Comrades!
> I equally find Matome's contributions interesting and befitting our
> thinking. While I agree with Matome on the two kind of leaderships for which
> our people might choose which one to follow, I think the third option
> available for our people and which is retrogressive and unsustainable is
> that of "Populist Rupture", I believe that Azania might be headed for this
> type of leadership, trusted by our people on the bases that the current
> state failed to respond to popular demands.
> The fact that people are getting annoyed on daily bases by untrustworthy
> political parties shall lead to manifestation of a new populist
> identity/order.
> I support the suggestion by comrade Matome that we need to converge, debate
> and graft our location&purpose in the society, we need to tell the people of
> Africa that our intentions are to lead a revolution against the current
> system.
> If we do not indicates this to the people now, our own people shall rejected
> PAC like all other political parties when they resort to other forms of
> leaderships.
> Lastly, it is evident that our people are already in a leaderless
> revolution, the service delivery protest in almost all townships in Azania
> are indicative of the aforesaid. Its unfortunate that if this already
> persistent revolution can gain momentum and unseat ANC in the absence of
> us(PAC) we will be lead by a revolution of which the motive forces are not
> necessarily class dynamics and political ideology.
> I suggest, therefore, that PAYCO discuss this matter during its NEC meeting
> and take a lead in arranging a platform on which a way forward on how we
> engage our people.
> I further propose that progressive former Leaders of PAYCO, PAC, PASMA and
> those proposed by Tembelani get invited.
> Afrika Our Land!
> Walter Molapo
> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
> ________________________________
> From: tembelani xundu <>
> Sender: <>
> Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 22:29:49 -0700
> To:<>
> ReplyTo: <>
> Subject: Re: [PAYCO] What the masses will look for in choosing leadership
> for SA, as they overthrow the ruling regime!!
> Comrades
> I find Matome's comment very intriguing and spot on. I suggest that few
> Comrades should lead a discussion on the so called 'national democratic
> revolution' as espoused by the charterist camp (ANC,SACP & COSATU) and the
> Permanent Revolution (championed by Trosky). The loose combination of
> national liberation agaisnt settler colonialism and establishment of a
> democratic order is what easily lead to a religiuos embrace of the two stage
> theory and the coining of documents like first and second transition by the
> charterist. The whole liberation movement is now wrongly defined as
> proponents of this NDR.The establishment of a socialist democracy is a
> single process that cannot be achieved over night, and means, in our old but
> relevant revolutionary jargon that the colonial apartheid system cannot be
> reformed but changed. I invite Comrades Thabo Ntoni, Jaki Seroke, Raymond
> Kgakgudi, Charge Inn Mabaso and Cunninham Ngcukana to lead this discussion
> on the National Democratic Revolution and Permanent Revolution and place the
> National Question in its correct ideological location. We are going
> somewhere Comrades, thanks to Cde Matome.
> Tembelani
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "" <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 1:19 AM
> Subject: [PAYCO] What the masses will look for in choosing leadership for
> SA, as they overthrow the ruling regime!!
> A closer look at the South African society and its structural organisation
> suggests we are headed for change of government much sooner than many
> believe.
> While most of us share in the analytic conclusion that the ruling regime is
> on a collapse mode, we have however not given ourselves time to postulate,
> scientifically at least, how and what will our people look to in making this
> decision. My conversation recently with some of our comrades, the lowest of
> the pyramid so to speak, in Langa, Cape Town has got me thinking a lot about
> the reality of this question. I suggest that we get seized with this kind of
> analysis to avoid guess work, spontaneity in prosecuting the revolution that
> awaits us and is near. I flag a few ideas on this matter.
> I am of the strongest view that our people bearing the brunt of isolation
> and general poverty will choose between: a leadership founded out of
> revolution or a leadership founded on efficiency.
> What is certain is that many of our people are rapidly concluding that if
> they wish to remove the ruling regime on an efficiency ticket, the DA shall
> be their vanguard. Many of our people look at the efficiency in governance
> in Cape Town COMPARED to other governments ran by our African brothers.
> Viewed from this angle, it needs be understood, and perhaps not necessarily
> conceded to, that to remove the ruling elite on an efficiency ticket would
> be a difficult one as this ground is already taken and occupied by the DA. I
> am not even sure that removing the regime on efficiency ticket is the right
> thing for us and in fact I suggest not. This option suggests that the system
> is ok, all we need to do is to get it to run efficiently. This by the way is
> the view of capital and its political front, DA. A change of government on
> this ticket will compromise the fundamentals of our freedom cause. So it
> must be clear that our only option path to remove the ruling elite is
> through revolution as this offers us a real opportunity to destroy the
> system and not to reform it.
> As stated the masses will also evaluate whether they should remove the
> regime through revolution as opposed to the efficiency gentlemash option.
> This entails getting them to question the foundational issues of our society
> and how these relate to our day to day aspirations. This unlike, the
> efficiency ticket, is the ticket that has no owner. Whoever takes on this
> ticket (revolution path) will lead our masses into government change. Timing
> is of the essence here. Should we not act with speed and urgency on this
> ticket, and the efficiency ticket triumphs, our people will go into lull in
> the hope that the efficiency philosophy will deliver. Since the revolution
> path is the only meaningful way, we must adopt it and show our people that
> this is the only option to substantive freedom and to self determination.
> The efficiency path is championed by liberals resident in many organisations
> including ours.  We must be on guard, ridding ourselves of this ill at every
> turn.
> The truth though is that as we stand here today, our people in significant
> numbers are shifting to the efficiency path as the way to free themselves,
> and see the DA in that context as their leader. What they don't see is a
> leader to guide them should they adopt the revolution path option.
> Communities keep rising now and again but all these have been leaderless,
> only to be reduced to angry lone spots that are quick fizzle out and
> dissipate.
> We need to urgently converge and decide on activities to win our people s
> confidence that we can lead the revolution path option.
> Afrika is our land !!
> Matome Mashao
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
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