Moaforika Fihla

Thanks for your response and your reply does nothing but it provide the
details which confirms that the 11th May 2013 NEC grouping had split into
two grouping one led by Mpethi-which invoked the Decree and the other by
Moloto which want defy the Presidential Decree! It is clear from your
writing that Mpethi's group was opposed at the Booysens Hotel meeting, but
the letter dated 30th July 2014 signed by Mpethi clearly states that the
14.2 Decree has been invoked by the President. To say Mpethi failed to
lodge a grievance its a ploy aiming to mobilise support for Moloto grouping
against Mpethi Grouping.

Factionalist do not belong to branches because they systematically destroy
party structures, in the same way we have seen formation of parallel
structures in the PAC!

The claim that "The biggest problem the PAC has is that over the last ten
years, it has produced more factionalists than cadres", actually it should
be ever since  QwaQwa Congress all NECs including the three existing NEC
Groupings, PAC was led by self-serving factionalist. We know and have seen
problems in the PAC, but in the past 24 months, PAC NEC was highly ridden
by factionalists interests, and this will also make the September 2014
Conference another attempt to consolidate factionalist interests in the
same way in 2013 PAC members and branches were deceived to attend Birchwood
Conference nothing came out of that conference but a consolidation of
factionalism hence PAC is falling apart and has become extremely weak!

We can't blame Letlapa for everything, we know comrades at a personal
level hate and despise Letlapa and never approved and supported Letlapa to
be PAC President, but it is wrong to blame Letlapa for every wrong taking
place in the PAC. This means Letlapa will be a scapegoat for everything
wrong done even when he is not there. Ever since 2014 May 11 NEC meeting,
PAC conditions never became better but it became worse. This blame game
shows that those leading PAC have poor and weak leadership qualities for
they are incapable to take matured and constructive decisions. Letlapa is
wrong as a human being, then the 11th May 2013 NEC Grouping by
Mpethi-Moloto could have done better and done things differently!

The long and short of all these, it is confirmed that PAC 2012 Butterworth
Congress has now fallen apart into three NEC Groupings. CIA,, Mossad and
FBI and NIS failed to
destroy PAC, but in last 24 months we see the destruction of PAC done
internally effectively by people claiming to be honest and sincere
cadreship of PAC! They succeeded to achieve the destruction of PAC on
behalf of forces of imperialism.

Izwe lethu


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Mbulelo Raymond <> wrote:

> Ma Afrika Izwe Lethu
> The biggest problem the PAC has is that over the last ten years, it has
> produced more factionalists than cadres. In the process, factionalists have
> perfected their skills to keep the PAC divided through rumours, gossips and
> lies.
> We all are aware that Mphethi and Moloto are products of Mphahlele ' s
> leadership. We also all are aware that the Gcuwa Special congress was a
> factionalist programme spearheaded by Mphahlele. That things have turned
> out the way they did, with Mphahlele ' s products removing him from office
> should be blamed purely on Mphahlele ' s leadership.
> One thing that all of us should accept is that Mphahlele and his
> leadership succeeded in creating factions and dividing the PAC. The
> invocation of clause 14.2 is Mphahlele ' s culture. What Mphethi is doing
> today by trying to invoke clause 14.2 is what he learnt from his mentor,
> Mphahlele. In Mphethi's narrow thinking, the decree is the norm in the PAC.
> Our responsibility as PAC members is therefore to destroy this culture of
> factionalism and anarchy that the decrees have introduced in the PAC. The
> starting point is that lies, gossips, and rumours should be condemned. For
> instance, there is no truth in saying Narius Moloto removed Mphethi from
> parliament. Even if Narius had wanted to do that, he would not have
> succeeded in terms of parliamentary processes. Secondly, the members who
> opposed Mphethi's attempt to plunge the PAC into another decree crisis did
> not oppose Mphethi because they belong to any faction. These members are
> opposed to anything that would remind them of the unconstitutional state in
> which the PAC was under Mphahlele ' s decrees. We will oppose anyone who
> tries to bring the PAC back to the era era of cliques and cabals through
> the decree.
> Kindly note that whether any one likes it or not, the PAC will hold its
> conference in September. There is no decree that will stop this. This is a
> constitutional imperative. The last annual conference was in September last
> year and we have a constitutional duty to hold the conference by this
> coming September. All members of the PAC who belong to the PAC structures
> are free to attend as delegates. The problem with factionalists is that
> they do not belong to structures, but they belong to factions. Now because
> factions have no role at conference, factionalists will always oppose
> conferences. This is why under Mphahlele, there were no conferences.
> Finally ma Afrika let me officially inform you that Mphethi tried to
> invoke clause 14.2 at the NEC meeting held at Booysens Hotel but that was
> unanimously rejected by the NEC. The decision of the NEC was that Mphethi
> should submit his grievances against Moloto to the NEC for the NEC to
> urgently attend to them. The NEC also decided to request M'Afrika Mogoba to
> mediate in the dispute between Mphethi and Moloto. Mphethi however failed
> to submit his grievances to the NEC. He instead decided to issue a
> statement invoking the decree from his house. Kindly note that the main
> reasons Mphethi fowarded to the NEC  for invoking the decree were that
> firstly he had a problem with Narius Moloto and secondly, that the NEC
> should make an undertaking that at the September Conference, he will not be
> removed as PAC President. Do these two reasons really constitute a crisis
> in the PAC?  Certainly not. Unless we want to turn the PAC into a joke
> where clowns will bring clause 14.2 anytime their reactionary agendas are
> challenged.
> In conclusion, let me invite all genuine members of the PAC to play their
> part to protect and rebuild the PAC. Those who have grievances against any
> individual or leader, the conference will sit and shape our future going
> forward.
> Izwe Lethu
> Fihla
> On 06 Aug 2014 11:53 AM, "Tongogara Ndima" <>
> wrote:
>> Izwe lethu M'Afrika
>> We have learnt once more that Mpethi-Moloto NEC Group has split into two
>> fighting groupings to an extent PAC "President" Mpethi has evoked clause
>> 14b Decree with effect from the 30th July 2014. But it seems that some
>> members siding with Moloto are opposing the Mpethi NEC Grouping and  if
>> true this week at High Court Moloto NEC grouping will be trying to render
>> the Mpethi evoking the Decree to be unconstitutional and illegal.
>> Going back to 2013, on the 11 May 2013 PAC Congress elected NEC at
>> Butterworth was split into two groupings:-
>>    -   One led by Cde Moloto supported by Cde Mpethi and other 12 NEC
>>    members which co-opted or appointed Mike Muendane, Don MAttera, Phillip
>>    Dhlamini and Joseph Maqhekeni into their NEC Group;
>>    - Another one which met on eth 18th May 2013 led byCde Mphahlele
>>    supported also by almost 14 NEC Members
>>    - There are three or two NEC members who distanced themselves from
>>    both two feuding NEC;
>>    - Parallel structures were formed and PAC members were turned against
>>    each and encouraged to counter-organise each other ever since 2013 May 11
>>    and 18 meetings;
>> While PAC Branches and Members raised the call for party unity, after the
>> May National and Provincial Elections Poor performance where PAC got just
>> an estimated 38 000 - 39 000 votes;
>>    - Its has been reported that Cde Moloto unilaterally removed Cde
>>    Mpethi as the sole Parliamentary representative and replace Cde Mpthei by
>>    his close ally Cde Bennet Joko; When we asked Members of the NEC none of
>>    the were able to explain the removal of Cde Mpethi, nut interesting those
>>    close to Cde Moloto had better clarity and could explain, and claimed that
>>    Cde Mpethi is "selfish" and "make no financial contributions to the PAC".
>>    But when we requested NEC minutes or decisions which explains that indeed
>>    the Mpethi-Moloto 11 May NEC took such a resolution, these NEC members
>>    failed to confirm that there is an NEC Decision. On the otherside Mpethi
>>    accussed Moloto for convening meetings which do not quorate and 
>> disregarded
>>    the PAC Constitution
>>    - During the postponed NEC meeting which was held on the 26th - 27th
>>    July 2014, this were extremely hot and comrades almost assaulted each
>>    other! Then Cde Mpethi evoked the Presidential Decree effectively
>>    suspending the constitution and NEC!
>>    - The Mpethi-Moloto NEC is now split into two groups:- Some less
>>    seven- nine NEC members side and support; And other six - eight NEC 
>> members
>>    side with Moloto;
>>    - The implications of the Mpethi Presidential Decree is that 2014
>>    September Conference will not take place until determine and decided by 
>> Cde
>>    Mpethi!
>>    - This means PAC NEC since Butterworth Congress was split into three
>>    parts or fighting NEC groupings, namely 11 May Moloto-Mpethi NEC Grouping
>>    has split into 1-Mpethi NEC Grouping, 2- Moloto NEC Grouping, 3- Letlapa
>>    NEC Grouping!
>>    - According to recent briefings today morning, Cde MOloto has gone to
>>    high court to declare the Mpethi Decree as unconstitutional.
>>    - All these are kept secret and information is not shared and
>>    disseminated to all PAC Branches and Members. Only, loyalist of these
>>    grouping receive party correspondence.
>> These Maforika have seriously destroyed PAC, Attached find the Decree
>> Announcement by Cde Mpethi
>> Izwe lethu
>> Ndima

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