Hi Jim,  Sounds like AOL is taking a page from MSN re the invasion of your
computer.  Anyway, Have you tried theWinamp library/radio?  you can find
just about anything on there to listen too.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Hunt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 11:47 PM
Subject: Spinner.com ... Anyone know what's going on there?

Hi folks,
I found out about Spinner.com months ago through Toonhead-online.com. I've
downloaded the Spinner.com plug-in for Winamp and I've been listening to
Spinner for quite a while now. One thing I liked about Spinner was that they
had an easy listening channel. My grandmother likes easy listening and I
turned the channel on for the two of us to go to sleep with. Last weekend, I
ran Winamp and got an error message saying that Winamp couldn't connect to
Spinner.com. I went to Spinner's web site and what came up wasn't anything
about Spinner, but a web site for ... Radio at Netscape. ? I thought to
myself, "Uh-oh. I'm a Microsoft Internet Explorer user. I don't think I'll
mess with Radio at Netscape since I don't use Netscape's web browser." I had
heard several years ago that Nullsoft, AOL and Netscape are under the same
umbrella if you will--part of the same company. I downloaded the Radio at
Netscape player from the site at Spinner.com and installed it. A song began
to play. Fine audio quality, but the program wasn't very accessible. I had
to route my PC cursor to my JAWS cursor and move around in the program to
find out what I could listen to. After 30 or so songs, a box pops up saying
"Are you still there? You've listened to 30 songs in a row," or something
like that. I have to click the OK button in order to hear more songs. I
Thought, "well this is silly." I had to leave for a while, so I exited the
program. I came back later and started Radio at Netscape again. This time,
the program said that a newer version of the program is available and would
I like to download and install it. I clicked "yes" and the newer version was
downloaded and installed. The newer version must still be in its beta stages
because the older version is the one people download from the Spinner.com
web site. The newer version is more accessible as at uses the user's default
web browser--in my case, Internet Explorer. But there are several things
about this newer version of Radio at Netscape that I strongly dislike. (1)
The newer version touts AOL for Broadband and Radio at AOL *all over the
place*. Not only was this newer version downloaded and installed, but a
small downloader for downloading AOL for Broadband software was installed on
my system. Icons named "Try AOL for Broadband" were placed on my desktop, in
my start menu, and in my favorites in Internet Explorer. Icon values for AOL
for Broadband were placed in the registry. Links for trying AOL for
Broadband were scattered all throughout the Radio at Netscape program. (2)
This newer version must not support Windows 95 and/or computers with not
that much memory. Currently I'm using a computer with Windows 95, 2 gigs of
hard drive space, 32 MB of RAM, Internet Explorer 5.5 and a cable modem. (Go
ahead, laugh. :-) Yes I am planning on upgrading to a fast XP desktop
computer in the next couple months when I get my tax money back.) Anyway,
the newer version of Radio at Netscape runs v-e-r-y s-l-o-w on my computer.
My computer chokes and gags on it. (3) And this is the thing I dislike the
most: Users of this newer version of Radio at Netscape are only allotted so
many minutes per day to listen to any of the channels on the service. When
users' times are all used up, they are given the message to join AOL so they
can listen to Radio at AOL where they'll be able to listen to channels
unlimited. Now I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous! I mean, is it just me, or
is AOL becoming just like Clear Channel? Well, that discussion is for
another time, another list, but anyway, I find that limitation to be another
one of AOL's desperate ways to bait in more AOL for Broadband victims--uh I
mean customers. Without hesitation, I uninstalled Radio at Netscape and
deleted any shortcuts, links and references to AOL for Broadband on my
system. Ee-gad.
Does anyone know where I can listen to easy listening music--the standards
like Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole, Barbra Streisand and, Doris
Day and others? If so, let me know on or off list. Thanks.
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