Here is some information that may help make selecting tracks accessible
when using Easy CD DA Extractor 7.x.  This information was sent to me
from a Window-Eyes user.  -Steve.

Here it is.  Note that, as he says, the first track you'll be on after 
following his steps will be track2.  So, if you wanted to select
you'd have to up arrow once, and press the spacebar.  If you then 
pressed alt+1, you'd here track1 played.  If you've used this program 
for a while, I'm sure you already know that to operate the player 
controls, you have to use the bypass key (insert+b) in every case.

I will explain here as a summary the most important key combination You

must do to
get tracks selected with the Space key:
1. In the very beginning (after the CD is inserted and auto queue read)

press Function
Key F2 (Edit Artist), then F3 (Edit Title) and Finally once more F2
Now You
have to press the Enter Key and immediately after that the Left Arrow 
just once -
This gets You to line 2 (second title) to selectable state.
2. Now You can use the Up and Down Arrow keys to navigate the rows and 
at each row
You like to select press the Spacebar. When all is done press F8 to get

all those
Ripped! Do not press Arrow key at all.
3. If You get stuck and cannot go to next line just repeat section 1 at

this post
(Press F2, F3, F2, Enter and Left Arrow) and You will be at the 
selectable state
again at the next row!
4. Just use Your screen reader or better yet the Alt+1 to play the 
current track and
Alt+6 to stop playing. That's like browsing by sense of hearing to know

where your
cursor (selected line) is!
5. One more note: if you like to rip all the tracks at an album, just 
press the F8
Function Key at the very beginning. It will select all tracks by
and Rip
them! (If Control+A and Control+N are reserved keys at Your screen 
reader application,
they won't work at Easy CD-DA Extractor version 7!)

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On 23/05/2004 at 6:49 PM Cherry Valens wrote:
easy cd extractor 7 accesibility    Hi Everyone,
I wanted to know if the Latest version of easy cd extractor is
If not I want to know if anyone knows how to get around the
issues In version 7? anyone who can help me with this problem I would
much appreciated thank you very much for any help.

Regards Steve,
Skype:  steve1963

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