Hello everyone,
I've got a couple of questions, and I'm hoping that someone can help me out.
I'm using GoldWave version 5.
Every week I record a radio show onto tape, and then I go and put it onto
the computer.  However, a lot of times the files come out with some sort of
distortion.  And it's not always the same thing.  Most of them always have a
slight background hiss, but other times the quality just sounds poor.
I don't always use the same stereo, when recording these shows, so I'm
thinking that might be part of the problem.  Sometimes, I use my stereo, but
other times I use my boombox.
Then when I go to put the show onto the computer, I use a small tape player
that's always connected to my computer.
What I'm wanting to know, is how can I get the quality of these files to be
I'm not sure if I have the sound files set up wrong when I go to do the
recording, if that plays a part in it all.
Usually, when I create a new sound I'll set it up in stereo, the sampling
rate will be at 44,100, and the other sampling feature is set on manual.
Are these fine where they are?
I always save my files as mp3's, I prefer that over anything else.  Usually
when I save them, I save it at 128 mb.  I wouldn't mind saving them at a
higher bit rate, but I share these with someone else, so that's why I just
save it like I do.
Does anyone have any suggestions, or am I doing this just fine?
Also, I've been trying to figure out how to use the noise filtering feature,
however I'm not having much luck.  I've read the manual, but it really was
of no help to me.
Whenever I try to remove the background hiss out of a file, it always ends
up sounding distorted in some way.  I cant figure out what I could be doing
wrong.  I don't understand a lot about those settings, and I know that's
part of my problem.
I've tried messing with the different settings, hoping that I'd figure it
out.  But I haven't.
Can anyone give me suggestions on this as well?
And I've got one more question.
What exactly is the insert silence feature, and how does it work?
Would I be able to use it if I were recording something that had
commercials, and I wanted a bit of silence, between where the commercials
had been, and the different parts of the file?
Any help with this will be much appreciated.
Thank you,

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