Hello everyone,
Well, I wanted to report that I just tried using the noise reduction, with
the help I got earlier tonight.  And I was able to clean up that hiss quite
nicely.  There is now no trace of it what so ever.
I used it on a song I had that had hiss, and I used it on one of the recent
shows I taped off the radio.
However, I do have a question.
When I fixed the song that had hiss, here's what I did.
I copied a bit of the silence to the clipboard, then I selected the entire
sound and proceeded into the noise reduction feature.
There I chose the light hiss removal option, I chose from clipboard, I set
the FFT to 12, just to see how good it would work, and I set the overlap to
Like I said, it worked great.  However, in the middle of the song I can hear
some little click sounds.  I think if I wouldn't have been paying attention,
then I probably wouldn't have even noticed.
Why did this happen just in this one spot?  And how can I get rid of it?
Also, how do you know if something you've just fixed, using the noise
reduction, has come out alright?
For instance, if these clicks would have happened in the middle of that
radio show, I would have never known, unless I were to listen to the entire
show again.  It's an hour long, so I wouldn't want to have to do that.
Also, when I fixed the hiss in my radio show, I had to set the overlap at
90, because when I previewed it with the overlap at 95, it was absolutely
awful.  I'm not real sure how to describe what it sounded like.  On nearly
every other word, it was as if the audio hick-upped.  It was bad.
Why would it have been like that?
Once I set the overlap at 90 percent though, it was perfect.
I've got one more question while I'm thinking about it, and that'll be all
for now.
What are these other options within the noise reduction, such as point, and
There are two time options, and I'm not sure what either one means, or if I
should ever mess with them.
More later,

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