Hi Everyone

Apologies if people have seen this message on another list.  I sent it
to the Access-UK list, with little luck.

I have recently got broadband and am anxious to listen to all kinds of
radio stations without the constant interruptions that used to occur
when I had a phone line.

I am using Windows 98 second edition on a PC with a 2 GHz processor and
256 Mb RAM. I have Realplayer, Winamp and Windows media Player
installed.  I use Window-Eyes 4 and JAWS 5.10.

I appear to be able to listen to BBC stations with few problems,
although recently i tried to listen to the cricket on the net and,
although it tells me I am listening to it, I can hear no sound.  

If I try to listen to most other stations either it plays for a few
seconds and locks up or Realplayer or Windows media Player fails and I
see the message "Mainapplication Window".

One strange thing: I use Window-eyes or JAWS 5.10.  If I use
Window-Eyes the station is more likely to run for a few seconds and
lock up the PC, if I use JAWS I get the MainApplicationWindow message.

Can anyone throw any light on this?  

Also, is it possible to use Winamp to play RealPlayer and windows media

Apologies for such a convoluted message, but any help would be

Pele West

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