
To answer your last question: no, you can't play real audio streams in Winamp using the Tara plug-in.

As for the rest of your questions, I can be of little help, since I have never had these problems. I am on NTL broadband, 750 KBPS. I am running windows98 SE, and the processor speed is half yours. My screen reader is Hal, and I use an external speech synthesiser. I have Winamp, Windows Media Player 9 and Real Alternative on my PC, and all play internet streams without a problem.

Some suggestions: make sure that the connection speed and buffering rate of the players is suitable for broadband - no doubt you have done this already, but it is always worth checking. Try turning off your screen reader's voice before clicking on the 'Listen' link - perhaps the speech is conflicting with the streaming audio. Do you get to a station from a web site, or have you bookmarked the station in your favourites list? If the latter, is the result still the same?

Hope this helps, though it is rather clutching at straws.



At 23:26 25/09/04 +0200, you wrote:

Hi Everyone

Apologies if people have seen this message on another list.  I sent it
to the Access-UK list, with little luck.

I have recently got broadband and am anxious to listen to all kinds of
radio stations without the constant interruptions that used to occur
when I had a phone line.

I am using Windows 98 second edition on a PC with a 2 GHz processor and
256 Mb RAM. I have Realplayer, Winamp and Windows media Player
installed.  I use Window-Eyes 4 and JAWS 5.10.

I appear to be able to listen to BBC stations with few problems,
although recently i tried to listen to the cricket on the net and,
although it tells me I am listening to it, I can hear no sound.

If I try to listen to most other stations either it plays for a few
seconds and locks up or Realplayer or Windows media Player fails and I
see the message "Mainapplication Window".

One strange thing: I use Window-eyes or JAWS 5.10.  If I use
Window-Eyes the station is more likely to run for a few seconds and
lock up the PC, if I use JAWS I get the MainApplicationWindow message.

Can anyone throw any light on this?

Also, is it possible to use Winamp to play RealPlayer and windows media

Apologies for such a convoluted message, but any help would be

Pele West
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