Hi Jed, 

I am also new to ipods and all the ways to download music.  I am more than 
willing to share what I know, but may not use exactly the right terms.  If any 
more experienced users want to jump in and help out, thank you much.  

I have an ipod mini.  I purchased scripts in hopes of making itunes more user 
friendly.  I'm not sure at this point if it is my own lack of patience or what 
appears to be hoop jumping to get the simplest thing accomplished.  I have set 
the scripts aside for a while.  

Anapod, on the otherhand, has allowed me to paste files into my mini using a 
windows-type interface.  I set up a folder called "Music Collection."  In this 
folder, I am organizing all my cd's.  When I find a song that I want to add to 
my ipod, I hit alt f, arrow down until I hear "windows Ipod," and then hit 
return.  The song is then added to my mini.  I'm assuming adding the song 
through "windows ipod" is from Anapod.  It may not sound like much, but I have 
had this mini for well over a year and had to depend on a sighted friend for 
help.  Since he thinks the only way to download and manage music is through 
itunes, he wasn't very helpful about helping me think of alternative ways to do 
things.  I have nearly 10,000 songs that I am organizing.  I do need him to get 
some of my music out of itunes.  If he even thinks about "fixing" things for 
me, Pluto (the former planet of) will be his next stop!  I do appreciate it 
when people help, but last time he put all of my music into itunes where I 
couldn't do anything with it.  I'll probably back everything up before I let 
him near the machine.  

Hope this helped. 

Lynda Ingraham email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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