Hi Lynn, I have installed RealPlayer on many systems and never seen a
negative consequence, at least not for many years. There was a time back in
the late 90s where RealPlayer did install certain things that some customers
objected to. Those days are long behind them. The install allows you to have
good control over what file types it handles, and I think it's an excellent

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 11 September 2006 12:00 p.m.
To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Subject: Realplayer, to install or not to install

Having a very strong interest in hurricanes and severe weather events, I
would like to take advantage of the live coverage from
http://www.hurricanecity.com.  However, this requires that I install Real
Player on my PC.  Considering the fact that the installation of Real Player
on my previous home PC messed my system up terribly, and the fact that I
just watched the installation of Real Player wreck several PC's at work
recently, I'm not feeling very good about trying it on this new and very
well-functioning PC.  Is there anything I can do to avoid the intrusiveness
of this program, the spyware it installs on your PC and its tendency to just
muck things up horribly?  I am wondering specifically about Real
Alternative, although the research I have done shows that this program does
not do streaming audio, which is what I would need for Hurricane City.
Actually, since Florence is going to hit Bermuda soon and I would hate like
heck to miss a good hurricane, I would appreciate any help with this ASAP.
If I did have to install RP, is there anything I can do to keep it from
causing mayhem on my system?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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