Thanks, Dana. Bob Batchelor sent instructions on how to close RP's message 
center, which is a big help. Regarding "normal view," I can't get JAWS to 
indicate whether or not it's checked. I click on it in the view menu and the 
menu closes. I go back to find it isn't checked. Is it another aspect of RP 
that requires sighted assistance?

Again, many thanks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I recommend disabling the Realplayer Message Center. Unfortunately, I 
disabled mine so long ago, I don't remember how I did it. But, in the 
Preferences tree view, scroll down to Message center, and see what you can 
find about disabling it.

In the main player window, in the View menu pull-down, make sure Normal mode 
is checked, and everything else is unchecked.

I recommend using RP for ONLY those media types that will not play in WMP or 
Winamp. So, under the Media Types section of preferences, make sure that 
only Real Media types are checked. But, unfortunately, since the media types 
selection list is largely inaccessible, you will either need sighted 
assistance for this, or you will have to go through the complicated 
procedure that Gene asner has outlined elsewhere. (Let me know if you need 
me to go through this for you.)

Finally, I don't recommend using RP's My Library. Any Real Media on your 
hard drive, you can browse to, right click on, and, from there, choose Play, 
burn, or whatever you wish. As for Real Media streams, the Favorites menuing 
system within RP, is quite accessible, and I recommend using it in 
preference to any of the stream selection methods built into RP. Indeed, you 
can copy RP favorites from where they are stored on your hard drive, to some 
more convenient folder, and use them whenever you want to listen to an RM 
stream, rather than starting RP, clicking on Favorites, etc. If you just 
click on the Favorites shortcut, wherever you have moved it to, it will 
automatically start RP with the relevant stream playing. Then, you only need 
ctrl-P and ctrl-S, to pause or stop the stream, respectively.

Well, that ought to be enough to get you started. Let me know if you have 
any specific problems.

Blessed Be,


D. S. Leslie, née C. R. Guttman
Skype: dsleslie
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