
I wonder do you have Total Recorder it would work much easier that way I 
think than Goldwave.  Total Recorder is more set up for that sort of audio. 
Then you could pull it in to Goldwave and edit it if you like?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Darran Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 3:19 PM
Subject: Goldwave, Realtec AC97 and the Audigy NX 2

> Hello to all from a new list member.
> I've joined this list specifically to get help with a recording problem 
> I'm
> having at the moment. Its probably easier if I just lay it all out for you
> here and see how we get on!
> I wanted to record some films etc from my hard drive recorder onto the PC
> and I installed Goldwave 5.1 to help me achieve this.
> However, even after reading manuals and getting help from other sources,
> each and every attempt to record something failed miserably. The playback
> always sounded as though my levels were far to high, leaving me with a
> heavily distorted recording. I tried every possible combination of 
> settings
> and levels, but each and every attempt resulted in the same distortion.
> I started asking around to see if anyone could help, and the general 
> feeling
> was that the Realtec AC97 Audio I was using as part of my PC set-up may 
> have
> been the weak link. So, taking more advice on board, I've now bought 
> myself
> an external soundcard, the Creative Audigy NX2, in the hope that this will
> make things right. The NX 2 arrived today, and I now find myself with more
> questions than answers! It'll be Sunday before I can get hold of sighted
> assistance  and then I remembered about PC-Audio!
> So, my first question is, is it possible to run the NX2 and the Realtec 
> AC97
> side-by-side? Or do I need to disable the AC97 while using the NX2 and 
> vice
> versa.
> Ideally, I'm hoping the NX2 will work with Goldwave 5.1 and enable me to
> make my recordings.But I've noticed that after connecting it up tonight I
> lost my existing PC audio. Everything went silent, no JAWS no nothing, 
> until
> I disconnected the NX2 again.
> What I'm really hoping to find on this list is someone who's already
> successfully using Goldwave 5.1 with an external Audigy soundcard to make
> recordings through the line-in facility on the card. This way I can obtain
> some exact settings etc to help me get started with this whole PC audio
> recording thing!
> Sorry if I haven't made myself at all clear about what I'm trying to do
> here, and the problems I've run into whilst trying to do it, but if anyone
> can offer any kind of help and advice, that would be very much 
> appreciated.
> Regards.
> Darran
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