Hello, everyone. First of all, I'd like to sincerely apologize in advance 
if this message is off-topic for this list. I'm just trying to get as much 
feedback as possible. I'm preparing to buy a new computer, one that I hope 
will last me for at least as long as my current system
has. The last computer I got was in 2002, and it is still more or less 
functional, but I'm wanting to get a system that is not only more 
up-to-date, but also more responsive. I do
a lot of work with audio files , mostly mp3 and midi. I also do a lot of
web browsing, word processing, and I play a lot of text-based games both on 
off line. I've been trying to do my homework with regards to parts to
include in my dream system. I've decided that even though it might be a
little more expensive, I'd rather "hand pick" every aspect of my new system 
to insure that I know exactly what I'm getting and also to insure maximum
compatibility with the latest version of JFW professional version.
My goals for this system, in order of importance, are maximum stability, 
maximum responsiveness and as much future proofing as possible. I'm
prepared to spend up to $3500 to get everything as nice as possible, but
naturally, if I could spend less, that would be really great. For numerous
reasons, I'm not planning to upgrade to Windows Vista quite yet; I'm
planning to run my new computer using Windows XP media center edition for a
year or so. Never-the-less, I'd like this new computer to be completely
ready for vista whenever I am.
With all that being said, I was hoping that I could get advice from members
of this list with regards to my final parts checklist.
I'm planning to purchase all my parts from newegg.com some time next month,
and then get the system assembled by an "expert" in my local area.
Basicly, what I'm hoping to attain is guidance in making sure that I 
haven't picked out any blatently incompatible parts, or that I
haven't overlooked anything. My primary questions at this point pertain to 
the most stable motherboard and video card to meet my needs. As much
research as I've done over the past couple of months, there are still a lot
of things that I don't fully understand. All I know is that I have no plans
to overclock my system, especially since JFW can't access the bios, so I 
would have to rely on  someone with vision to do all the playing around, 
and nobody I know would even have the slightest clue how to do any of that 
Further more, I have absolutely no clue what a rade is or what its function
would be. I essencially want somebody to be able to put my system together,
I install JFW, and then everything will work together as harmoniously as
possible. I've got it narrowed down between 2 motherboards: the ABIT AB9
QuadGT and the Intel D975XBX2KR. I'm leaning towards the Abit board only
because it supports quad core processors, which tells me that if I ever
decide I need to upgrade again in a few years, I will be able to do so
without having to buy another motherboard. Has anyone had any experiences 
with either of these motherboards or ones
that are comparable? Which of them is more likely to be compatible with
Jaws? As I've already indicated in my introduction,, I'm looking for 
stability and responsiveness. So, if anyone could provide feedback with
regards to which of these two motherboards might be best suited for my
needs, I would really appreciate it. My other concern, which is probably 
more relevant to JFW stability is
choosing the most appropriate video card.Does anyone have any
recommendations regarding any brands or models of video cards that work
really well with the latest version of JAWS Professional 8.0? Are there any 
brands/models of video cards I should make
sure to avoid? Is ATI or Nvidia more compatible with JFW at this point?
Should I purchase a dx10 capable card, or can I get by with a significantly 
less expensive option?
These are the only questions that I can think of at the moment, but I'd
really appreciate any and all feedback people might be able to provide. 
This new system is going to be a huge investment for me, so I want to make 
sure I'm only spending what is strictly necessary to build the best 
computer system that I possibly can. Thank you all in advance for any 
assistance you can provide, and I hope
that everyone is having a really great day!

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