To Vicki's question about the benefits of installing the ACB Radio
Tuner, Jeff Bishop responded on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 07:58:09 -0700: 
>It simply gives you a simple way to access all streams of ACB Radio.

More than that, in case the addresses of ACB Radio's streams ever
change, which, if I'm not tipping my hand too far over, they will in
the next few months, the tuner doesn't need updating because it gets
the stream URL's direct from the ACB Radio server site, and as long as
there's a correct nameserver translation for, the tuner
will never fail.  Winamp bookmarks and special playlists with all the
ACB Radio stream URL's in them are fine, but they'll eventually break
when the stream URL's change, and if you've listened to ACB Radio for
at least the past year, you know there's been at least one address
change already, plus we've added a new stream, which your bookmarks or
custom playlists will never know about, but which will appear
auto-magically in the tuner as they happen.

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