and, to add to this thread, a question: the best burner you've had? I like N 
E C, for both CDS and DVDS.

Curtis Delzer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "albert griffith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:58 PM
Subject: RE: What program is the best for birning music CDS?

Windows media player.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of alex
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:55 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: What program is the best for birning music CDS?

>From MP3 to whatever a music CD is.
----- Original Message -----
From: "albert griffith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 3:52 PM
Subject: RE: What program is the best for birning music CDS?

>A satisfactory answer could not be developed without some additional
> information.  do you have needs other than burning?  How important is it
> that you can choose between many formats for your output files or will the
> MP3 format suffice.  How important is keyboard accessibility?  Others will
> no doubt think of more avenues which should be explored but this will get
> you started thinking.  for now, you can use Windows Media player which you
> already have on your system.
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of alex
> Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:20 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: What program is the best for birning music CDS?
>    Witch program birns the highest quality audio CDS?
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