I can't keep those standard buds in either.  Try inner ear buds.  Sony has a
good set for $50 and they come with three sizes of inserts.  One is sure to
be comfortable.  the block out sound and make for a better listening
experience although they might provide a problem if you want to walk around
with them.  You can still hear stuff but not nearly as well.  I have had
buds costing twice as much but the Sony's have been as good and they have a
cord which comes a part for shorter or longer use. 

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Lynn Schneider
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 1:33 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Looking for earbud suggestions

Hi everyone. There are a lot of things about me that are, well, just plain
weird.  One of those weirdnesses is that I have had the extreme misfortune
to have been born with ear canals that seem to want to spit out earbuds.  I
can't seem to keep the darned things in, and frankly, they drive me insane,
but my 16-year-old nephew tells me I'm committing a terrible fashion faux
pas by wearing my old clunky, but much more comfortable and in my humble
opinion much better-sounding, headphones that I used with my old portable

I'm hoping you guys can recommend a good brand of earbuds.  I typically have
been using the ones that come with whatever digital player I buy, but I'm
not satisfied with them anyway, not just because they are constantly falling
out of my ears, but also because they sound terrible.

Thanks again for any insights.

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