Hi. I'm not sure if I can explain my problem clearly. Here it is.


I have 2.1 speakers on my PC. Now, the left side isn't functioning. I've
tried a little investigation/experiment hoping to fix this, but got no
success. I've checked all the settings I know with its driver/software
configuration, and  found it normal I mean, all the settings  I put are
still there such as the left and right volume all set to 50. Now I went to
hardware thing. I observed all  connections are doing fine but not sure if
one of them really is. The left speaker as the suspect, is put on the right
socket I don't know how to call it, it is where the right speaker is
connected, the sound was coming out on the left speaker, so I concluded that
the left speaker is ok. But when I put the right speaker on the left socket,
no sound! Does this mean that the problem is not really on the speaker but
on the settings? Or on the wires? Jacks? I am not a sound expert. Can you
help me on this? Anyway, sighted people also use this computer so I'm
guessing their  games' music, music from the web pages can also be a factor?


Thank you,






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