Mike, I'm not sure if you saw the message from an executive at AOL to Curtis
Chong the lead tech guy for the NFB.  That the player will be inaccessible
was stated but the executive said they'd do everything they could to make it
work but he was concerned it wouldn't be ready by Monday. I don't think it's
time to become alarmed yet. 

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Mike Pietruk
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:03 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Accessibility Evangelism and Unfortunate News From
AmericaOnline(AOL) Radio

John and Darrell

While I sympathize with your cause (and at this point do you guys even know
what problems this player will present, if any), blind people in particular
and Americans in general have far bigger things on their plate these days
then worrying if someone can get at a media player.
John, your safely crossing a street deserves 250% greater attention than
this CBS/AOL player.
Perhaps this player will prove workable via scripts or whatever.
Perhaps other players can and will play the same streams.
Frankly, I am ffar more concerned about the spiraling cost of gas, how
expensive medical care and insurance is, that, in the case of northern
Florida, you guys are fighting the Central part of the state over water
wrights, and the myriads of other social issues that involve quality of
Sure, it would be nice if this player worked out of the box; but having
watched so many of these blindness evangelist battles, I often have found
that the things that get complained about are usable either directly or
It is not that this isn't important; but there are far more things that
ought to be viewed as important and perhaps some values are totally out of
whack when quantums of energy get directed to an audio player rather than
other things.
There aren't unlimited dollars out there; and frankly I have a greater
concern that John can get home safely than whether he'll have to use another
player to listen to his favorite sports talk show.
why?  Well, if he cannot get around safely, he won't be able to listen to
those shows anyway?
And if he cannot afford adequate health care directly or indirectly, he
won't be around to listen either.

America is going through tough times these days; look at home foreclosures,
rising unemployment rates, and all the rest.  Politicians cannot embrace the
types of things we are talking here at the moment as frankly it is even sad
that we can give these things greater importance when there are true hurts
out there, not just inconveniences.

Yes, I'll be curious Monday to see what this means if anything.  However, I
am guessing that all of us will be listening to most of the same things we
do today, but perhaps in a slightly different way.

And before writing off the new AOL player, I would suggest first looking at
the product to see if the warnings are warranted.
Perhaps they are, but they may not be also.  And there are many ways to
listen to the same thing.

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