
I saw the msg; but, on the other hand, experiences of actual users will be 
even more valuable.
The heads-up from the AOL exec certainly puts everyone on notice and 
watch; but, many times, what someone technically views as inaccessible may 
well be usable.
The problem with this whole accessability issue is that so many things 
that even the "evangelists" (bothering Darrell's term) treat as so 
unusable, turns out to be perfectly workable after some playing around and 
And often there are other ways of getting at the same stream other than 
that one player.

So the way I look at this is that we have a warning presented here that 
        the moment that requires some vigilance and evaluation, not panic.

It is also possible that the screen reader vendors, either through scripts 
or otherwise, may make this new player usable.

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