OK folks, let's get back to discussing audio.  That's the 
main reason we are here.

** Original Message From: Kelly Pierce **
>The reason I joined the PC Audio list and not the National 
>Federation of the blind is because I have a life beyond 
>eating, sleeping, voting, working, paying taxes and going to 
>the bathroom.  All of these things the NFB wants access to 
>but really nothing else.  Kane, if you want audio described 
>movies and television programs in the United States, I 
>encourage you to contact your member of Congress to support 
>and co-sponsor legislation currently being advanced that 
>would establish this access. Sending your monthly dues off to 
>Baltimore and Letting NFB do your talking for you has led to 
>your current state of limited options.  this is not a 
>partisan opinion but a truthful statement of the facts.

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