Amen on this topic. I know I'll probably get yelled at but everyone who wants anything described should contact congress if there is some current legislation. Remember that this is the reason tv networks stopped describing programs because they never got feedback from people. There was a time when the networks were starting come around but because of the lack of feedback and the NFB this was short-lived.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kelly Pierce" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: Descriptive Video on Commercial DVDs and Downloads

The reason I joined the PC Audio list and not the National Federation of the blind is because I have a life beyond eating, sleeping, voting, working, paying taxes and going to the bathroom. All of these things the NFB wants access to but really nothing else. Kane, if you want audio described movies and television programs in the United States, I encourage you to contact your member of Congress to support and co-sponsor legislation currently being advanced that would establish this access. Sending your monthly dues off to Baltimore and Letting NFB do your talking for you has led to your current state of limited options. this is not a partisan opinion but a truthful statement of the facts.


----- Original Message ----- From: "KANE BROLIN" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Cc: "JFW Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: Descriptive Video on Commercial DVDs and Downloads

Gee, I didn't think I would create such a partisan firestorm by throwing out
the descriptive video questions.      But it is a fascinating discussion
that has taken turns I did not expect. I am an NFB member, but do not look
at issues with a viewpoint that's as partisan as the Boomer Generation

I don't spend a lot of time with video content at this point in my life, but
have run into descriptive video in the past and simply presumed it would
have become more prevalent in the last 5-10 years. It seems that the trend
toward video description actually has reversed itself, at least in the
United States.

So Bruce, are you suggesting that if one finds a DVD series like your
Canadian sitcom that's commercially available, use DVD Audio Extractor as a
means of listening to the whole content of the DVD?  Or does this program
simply convert the DVD into a format that some other player such as Windows
Media Player or Winamp can process?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce Toews" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 6:28 PM
Subject: RE: Descriptive Video on Commercial DVDs and Downloads

If you like good humor, try the Canadian TV show Corner Gas. Seasons 2
through the present all have described video on the commercial DVD's.


On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, Dave McElroy WA6BEF wrote:

> Oh really?  What planet do you live on?  <lol>
> NFB and their ilk kind of did it to us when they got the feds to say
that it
> was no longer a requirement.  So now if you really want descriptive
> programming you have to find it outside of our shores.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Kane Brolin
> Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 1:42 PM
> To:
> Cc: Blind iPod Mailing List;
> Subject: Descriptive Video on Commercial DVDs and Downloads
> Hi, folks.
> I'm probably about to ask a question that's painfully obvious to many.
> But I'm showing up at the descriptive video/SAP party much later than
> some.  I'm writing to the JAWS list because I am a JAWS user.  I'm
> writing to the Blind iPod list because purchasing video content on
> iTunes is now accessible through use of the J-tunes interface.  So I
> hope others view this question as at least somewhat relevant.
> I'm presuming, first of all,  that most Hollywood feature films on DVD
> come with a descriptive video track encoded somewhere on them.  I'm
> presuming the same could be true with downloadable films and TV shows,
> too, as from iTunes.  Certainly, most DVDs representing TV programs
> where action was described in the first place, should have that same
> DVS output on the subsequent DVD release.  If this is true, I'm
> wondering about the following:
> 1.  How can I be sure, if a film or TV show is downloaded, to get the
> download version that has descriptive video encoded?  Is there a good
> source for such material?  Is there a way I can know for sure about
> this feature before I buy?
> 2.  When playing such downloaded or DVD content on the computer, is
> there a software player that is fairly accessible and which also has a
> menu option I can invok for activating or turning off the
> descriptions?  I've not seen this in RealPlayer or Windows Media
> Player, but maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.
> 3.  Am I being completely naive here?  Obviously, I know a lot of
> stuff isn't accessible on its face, and I realize legislation in front
> of Congress is attempting to make much of this universal.  I've heard
> of some people going to a place like the Serotek network to download
> versions of films that have been uploaded specifically for those
> wanting video description.  But is this truly necessary?  Or can the
> same content be obtained through regular channels with just a little
> bit of work on the part of the blind consumer?
> Just trying to get a handle on this issue, for my own benefit and for
> others I may encounter.
> Kind regards,
> -Kane
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