Winamp hs decoded FLAC natively for at least four or five years now.
Gold Wave handles them seamlessly, among other programs.

On Fri, 9 Oct 2009 10:23:04 -0700, "Matthew Bullis"
<> said:
> Hello, now I didn't know that Winamp now ships with a flac plug-in. I
> used 
> the flac plug-in for Winamp that I had to download. Everything dealing
> with 
> flac files, including how to decode them to .wav and how to encode .wav 
> files to flac is contained at
> Since I'm not sure of your experience with flac files, this will give you
> a 
> starting point. These are used in the trading of concert recordings, and
> now 
> a few artists are offering the flac downloads as an alternative to the
> mp3s.
> Thanks a lot.
> Matthew 
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