Hi, Brian:

On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 21:33:11 +0100, you wrote:

>Hi list, if anyone out there is using infra recorder to burn discs, i 
>could do with some help. i have installed it, and found where to 
>choose burn disc or image. so, when i try to copy some folders on to 
>a disc, i can't find out how to highlight the folders i want to burn. 
>i find the folder where they are, but when i try to put them on the 
>disc, all i get is an empty folder in my own name, that is brian. i 
>have tried to use help, but am not doing very well. if anyone can 
>help, either by putting a message on this list, or by coming to me 
>direct, i would be grateful. brian.

I just did this for another reader of this list, let's see if my
instructions will help you.

1.  Open InfraRecorder either from the desktop icon (Windows_key M to
get to the desktop and minimize all other applications) or the Start
menu (Windows_key p, then i as many times as it takes to find the
InfraRecorder submenu, then either right-arrow or enter to open it,
the program is the first item on that inside submenu, so press ENTER
to open it.  Arrow keys will navigate menus just like tree views, but
only ENTER will open the lowest-level item on a menu, which usually
starts a program running).

2.  From the File menu Alt_F) select new project, then either data CD
or Data DVD, depending on what medium you want to create.  The
cursor is placed on the CD view of the new project.  The default name
(disc label) for the compilation and disc is the current date and time
in yymmdd_hhmm format (as in 090715_1126).  This can be changed later
with F2, once some files are placed on the disc before actually
burning it.

3.  This is actually the most difficult part of the program, as it is
the reverse of standard Windows Explorer operation.  The order of
panels in this program is backward to standard Windows
convention--that is to say, the next two panels will be first
low-level, such as files, then high-level, such as folders.  One
exception:  The first TAB stop after the project disc folder view is a
or blank tab.  The next tab stop is the low-level view and the next
tab the higher- or up-one-level view of any other disk on the system
or network.  Low-level lists can be expanded by finding the desired
folder and pressing ENTER, or by using the right-arrow key in the
one-level-higher-up tree view.  Think of it as a Windows Explorer
view, but backwards.  Windows show high level first, then
nexst-lower-level, InfraRecorder shows low-level, then

4.  Folders can be opened by pressing  ENTER on their name in the
folder view list view or by pressing right-arrow in the tree view
right next door.  

5.  Select files to be added to the compilation by navigating to the
desired folder in the tree view, then shift-tabbing back to the file
view to select the individual files.  Files are selected from the
folder view list view by finding the first desired file in the usual
Windows way, then by either holding down either shift key and arrowing
up or down to select a series of files contiguous to each other in the
list, or by holding down either Control key, then using the up- or
down-arrow to move through the list and pressing the space bar to
select the desired item(s).  WARNING!  While it is possible to take
one's hands off the keyboard to relieve pressure or to think about
what's to be done next, remember not to press any alphanumeric keys,
the arrow keys or the space bar while in this view or the file
selection will change.

5.  From the Edit menu (Alt_E) select the add submenu and choose
either all or selected.  If all files in a folder are desired to be
added to the compilation, the previous selection step is not required;
simply choose the add all option to accomplish this.

6.  Tab back to the tree view and repeat steps 4 and 5 until the
compilation selection process is complete.

7.  Creating New Folders on the target disc is accomplished by moving
to the disc tree view, the one with the project name as the top folder
name, and selecting  new folder from the Edit menu (Alt_E).  Be
careful, though, where the selector bar is positioned in this tree
view, or folders may not appear in the desired hierarchy.  All new
folders are created with the default name of "New folder" and should
be renamed by highlighting their name and using the F2 key to prompt
for a new name.  Folder names on the compilation disc appear just like
they do on the source disc tree view.

8.  When the compilation is ready for burning, Pull down the Actions
menu with Alt_A, then select the burn compilation menu and then the
"to compact disc" submenu, and follow the dialog prompts.

9.  Miscellaneous.  It is possible to tell how much space the files on
the currently open compilation will take up by routing the JAWSCursor
to the PCCursor, then going down the screen and reading the bottom
line in the window.  Normally, you can do this with the JAWS key
combination of JAWS key plus keypad_3 (read status line), however, the
information is not properly positioned for this feature to work!
Unfortunately, this program is one of those programs where, as you
move down the screen with the JAWSCursor, when you hit the bottom, it
is possible to go past that point, out of the InfraRecorder window,
and down to the taskbar window.  I'm trying to figure out if the disc
space information is in a separate named window, and if it is, I can
assign a hot key to it.  

If you get stuck--if you lose focus or you don't know where you are on
the screen, just keep pressing TAB until you do.  There are only five
windows on the compilation screen--two for the source and two for the
target disks, and one dummy window, I don't know what's in there but I
sure can't read anything useful in it.

You will notice that every time you open InfraRecorder, it shows the
last folder you had open the last time you ran the program.  If you
don't like this behavior, it can be turned off by going to the Options
menu (Alt_O), configuration dialog, and unchecking the first checkbox
which says "remember the last active folder."  However, if you do
this, another edit field becomes active, which you get to by pressing
TAB one time.  It's actually two controls--an edit field and a browse
button.  Apparently if you don't want InfraRecorder to remember where
you were the last time you were there, you have to specifically tell
it what folder to start with when it shows the File list and tree view
panes.  Pane in my ass, if you ask me, but wudda ya want for nothin',
r'r'r'r'r'r'r'rubber bis's's's'sskit? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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