The only point I'd add to Dane's notes is that I have read advice around not setting your variable floor too low. I'd suggest for music that you set the floor to 128kbps rather than the suggestion below of 16kbps.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: Pros and cons of varible bit rate

I suppose it comes down once again to personal preference, I've been using varriable bit rates for youears.

As I understand it, encoding with a varriable bit rate takes a lot longer as the encoder looks at every sample of the song thus deciding what bit rate it should be encoded at, silence for example is encoded at a lower bit rate than a full sample of orchestra sound, minimum and maximum bit rates for variable encoding are set up with your encoding engine such as LAME so for the best and accurate results you're better off doing this sort of thing manually with a command line so use an app which supports this, Exact Audio Copy is an excellent choice here.

Their are several methods of VBR encoding, "Old" and "new", "new" is quicker for those jobs you want out the door fast but quality isn't quite as good if you're picky, with today's flying processor speeds you may as well use "Old".

Also note that some older players may not handle VBR playback though I haven't struck one that doesn't yet.

Suggested minimum and maximum bit rates for VBR? Well just use the minimum and maximum rates available or if you're configuring from a command line or a piece of software that takes full advantage of the LAME-ENC.dll library then 16 bits for the minimum and 320KBPS for the maximum, there are 2 quality settings you have to be aware of here, one is VBR quality and you may wish to change this for certain audio material you're encoding, say music and talking books. The other quality setting leave at maximum, will take longer but far better results.

On 27/12/2009, at 6:21 AM, Jamie Pauls wrote:

The subject is a question, not a statement. I have been uploading Main Menu archives as a 128KBPS MP3 file. I see that many people recommend 192KBPS, but there a parts of the show that really don't need that high a bit rate. In fact, I have also read that encoding at too high a bit rate can cause unwanted artifacts just as much as encoding at too low a bit rate. Variable bit rate seems a good choice for me to use, but I would like some thoughts from audio experts. Thanks.

Jamie Pauls
Skype: jamie.pauls

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